
ESSEC Global BBA - Applying with an International High School Diploma

  • Languages

    English, French

  • Duration

    4 years

  • Next intake

    27 August 2024 (Singapore) | 02 September (Cergy) | 09 September (Rabat)

  • Locations

    Cergy (France), Asia-Pacific (Singapore), Africa (Rabat, Morocco)


Bachelor’s degree
in France (2024)


Bachelor’s degree
in France (2024)


Bachelor’s degree
in France (2023)


Bachelor’s degree
in France (2022)


Bachelor’s degree
in France (2021)


 4-year Bachelor's
degree with the most
applications (since 2020)



 Format: Full-time / Internship / Apprenticeship 

The Global BBA program is the equivalent of a Master's Degree (M1) in Management (240 ECTS - European Credits) recognized by the French Ministry of  Higher Education and worldwide and allows you to pursue your studies with an M2 (Master's Degree, equivalent to a one-year degree before postgraduate studies).

3 campuses in 3 countries, 10 months of professional experience integrated in the curriculum, a world-class education in a multicultural environment.


Program presentation
Partner universities
Find your dream exchange program from our vast network of prestigious university partners
Work Internationally
Discover global opportunities in international roles as a graduate
Starting salary
Embark on your high-flying career with a starting salary comparable to many junior MBA programs
Program presentation by Christina Terra

Academic Excellence:

Academic management training supported by an excellent faculty

Professional Experience

10 to 16 months of integrated professional experience 

International Exposure

International immersion of at least 12 months based on our 3 campuses in France, Singapore, and Morocco

  • Acquire knowledge in all the fundamentals of management such as financial accounting, microeconomics for business, principles of marketing, mathematics, statistics, responsible marketing, Excel, costs & budgets: introduction & practices, introduction to entrepreneurship, financial management, E-business..


  • Open up your international horizons with courses on geopolitics, international business law, international economics, people & organizations, international marketing, intercultural seminar


  • Become truly multilingual by learning 3 languages: French, English, German, Italian, Mandarin, Russian, Japanese, Spanish, Chinese, Arabic and Portuguese. (English and French are compulsory foreign languages for non-native speakers)



Carry out summer internships anywhere in the world and gain varied and valuable experience for both your personal and career development.


  • a 3-month internship gives you a real first taste of company life and an operational experience in a junior-level position

  • a 1-month social project gives you hands-on field experience and opens you up to new challenges and ways of thinking



The International Business Education Alliance "IBEA" is an academic program in cooperation between ESSEC and 3 prestigious partner universities: 

  • University of Mannheim, Germany

  • Fundaçao Getulio Vargas - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

  • University of South Carolina, USA

At the end of the 1st year, students from each school can apply to be part of the program and only ten students from each are selected. At the end of the 2nd year, admitted students will spend one semester at each of our partner schools. 


This is the perfect opportunity to spend time at some of the most prestigious business schools around the world, meet and interact with people from all different backgrounds and nationalities, study in several environments and by the time you obtain your degree, you will have the truly international profile sought after by employers. 


  • Specialized Track



IBEA (International business and consulting)

Responsible international leadership

Innovation management

Innovation & Digital Management


Year 2


University of

ESSEC Paris-
Cergy campus









Summer school

Year 3


Darla Moore
School of
Business, USC

ESSEC Paris-
Cergy campus

ESSEC Paris-
Cergy campus,
or ESSEC Africa
campus, Rabat

ESSEC Africa
campus, Rabat
or intercampus

International Exchange (university of the EUTOPIA alliance)


Campus ESSEC

Darla Moore
School of
Business, USC

UC Berkeley
Extension –


Year 4


de Janeiro


Managerial Internship


Managerial Internship

Managerial Internship

Managerial Internship

ESSEC Africa
campus, Rabat
+ Ecole

ESSEC Paris-Cergy campus or intercampus mobility


You have hundreds of electives to choose from, so whether you wish to remain an all-rounder and explore various fields, or if you prefer to specialize in a particular area, you'll have the opportunity to do so.


The introduction of optional courses and specializations allows students to tailor their curriculum according to their personal and professional goals.


Whatever track you choose to follow, you will do a university exchange abroad. This will not only open you up culturally to a new country, way of life, way of thinking, etc. but will improve your linguistic skills as the choice is often linked to the foreign languages you learnt in the first two years.


This unforgettable experience will contribute to making you a more open and flexible manager, able to work in multicultural and multilingual teams and companies.


The good news is that you are not limited to 1 or 2 possibilities for your exchange but potentially have to choose from the 188+ Global BBA partners. Whatever your interests and links, whatever your future career goals, you are sure to find the right exchange for you!



Complete your first longer internship or apprenticeship to have an advantage in the workplace as a young graduate.

  • The final 6-month managerial internship will see you take on a position with greater responsibilities where you can dedicate yourself to concrete projects

  • An apprenticeship contract means that you will be employed by a company and alternate between study and work. In addition to acting as a powerful career booster, it is an attractive financing solution as interns and apprentices are paid a salary and with apprenticeships, the company also covers 1 to 2 years’ tuition.



A transition from the first to the second half of your studies.

Formerly known as iXperience Week, the iMagination Week welcomes students from Singapore and Morocco to the Cergy campus at the beginning of the third year. In this introduction week, our international students learn about our campus in France and are encouraged to blend in, develop, and think outside the box.


ESSEC Business School has been recognized by Campus France and the Ministry of Higher Education and Research for the quality of its international students’ welcome.


The school received the highest level that can be obtained from the "Bienvenue en France" certification, which is the third level.


This certification recognizes the quality of ESSEC's reception in all the criteria provided:

  • The quality and accessibility of information
  • The welcoming of new international students
  • The academic offer
  • Accommodations
  • Campus life
  • The quality of post-graduate follow-up







The academic excellence of ESSEC’s programs is recognized through its international standards in management training, and it holds the prestigious ”Triple Crown'' of accreditations: EQUIS, AACSB, and AMBA. 





You can start either in France, Singapore, or Rabat and the decision is yours to make! Courses on each campus are the same, so it depends on your interests and career plan. No matter on which campus you start your studies, ESSEC Business School will deliver the same Global BBA diploma.

When you start your online application, you will be asked which campus you would like to start your studies on.



This stands for the International Business Education Alliance. To follow this track, you can start at either one of the ESSEC campuses, Cergy or Singapore. At the end of the 1st year, the best applicants will be selected at ESSEC as well as at the 4 partner universities. Students then come together from all the schools and travel and study together to spend S4 at Mannheim, S5 at the University of South Carolina, S6 at ESSEC in Singapore, and S7 at FGV in Rio.



There are no majors but there is a whole range of electives. There are around 50 courses per semester that students can choose to study in the 3rd & 4th years. These can be in communications, e-commerce, e-marketing, etc. You don’t just specialise in your courses but also your internships. This is very important because you build your career based on what you are going to do in your internships.



On top of the intercampus mobility, all students spend at least one semester on an international exchange programme within our partner network of +175 partner universities in 45 countries. These are all explained to you at the end of the 1st year. Some universities require a certain level of language proficiency. When competition is high for some spots, decisions are made based on your academic results from the first semester.



The 1st “operational” 3-month internship is to discover company life. Generally, students take on a commercial role in sales. You can do it anywhere in the world. 2nd “field” 1-month internship - social mission is to discover diversity at all levels. It is not about being in a position of responsibility but rather seeing something different and reinforcing the humanistic side of what type of manager you will be. During your 3rd 6-months internship, you will take on a particular activity within a company in the field/job role you are hoping to go into. The career services department at the school helps you figure out where you might want/be able to work and prepares you for interviews. We have a network of companies that we are used to working with.



The programme prepares you for the job market so, in the end, you can easily find a job anywhere in the world thanks to the reputation of ESSEC which is well known by companies. The massive ESSEC Alumni network is also active and generally very willing to help out current students and recent graduates. The career services at the school also help both students and alumni get their foot on the ladder and then progress in their chosen careers. All of these things are available to you but it is of course up to you to make the most of them and open up opportunities. Of course, you also have the option to continue your studies with a Master’s degree or advanced specialized degree, both in France and abroad.



The apprenticeship scheme is a 2-year company contract so during the last 2 years of study, you become an employee within that company and will alternate between work and study (at ESSEC or partner university for your exchange semester). As well as being an integral part of the company and getting much more hands-on experience, there are financial advantages as the company pays for the 2 years' tuition fees and also gives you a salary.



The ESSEC Global BBA has an international exchange network of +188 partner universities in 45 different countries across 5 continents so you are sure to find what you are looking for!

From your 3rd year in the programme, depending on the track you choose, you will enrich your international experience further by going on an exchange for 1 or 2 semesters.

ESSEC has been awarded the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education for 2021-2027. Read ESSEC's strategic statement here (in French). 

Starting in the 3rd year, you will have the opportunity to follow a double degree programme with one of the following universities:


At the end of your 1st year, you can apply to take part in the IBEA programme which will see you spend the three first semesters at the ESSEC campus where you began your studies, a semester at our ESSEC Asia-Pacific campus in Singapore, then one semester at each of the  following universities:

University of Mannheim, Germany 

University of South Carolina, Darla Moore School of Business, USA

EBAPE / FGV - Fundação Getulio Vargas, Brazil


>> Are you an international university partner or an international exchange student?

This track relies on a partnership with Ecole Centrale in Casablanca, which has proven expertise in digital science. They will be responsible for the more specialized courses in the Digital Management specialization. In addition, this track will be open for students from both institutions, who will work together on a common project involving the mobilization of digital solutions as part of an entrepreneurial project.

Each institution will offer refresher courses to allow, on one hand, the engineering students to understand managerial concepts and, on the other, the ESSEC students to master the analytical tools necessary for the more specialized courses on digital management. Thereby, they will be apt to conduct the project together.


In today's world, it is becoming increasingly important to make sustainable decisions that take into account the interests of all stakeholders, whether they are shareholders, employees, clients, or suppliers. These also include the community and the environment. This track, in partnership with USC Darla Moore, aims to provide students with the resources they will need to become world-class responsible managers.

This program offers Global BBA students the opportunity to join a unique immersive experience in the innovation ecosystem of Silicon Valley and San Francisco. The program includes: Pre-arrival webinar, Welcome week (e.g. San Francisco Scavenger Hunt, Global Trivia Night, Hiking), Orientation, Student services, Courses, Guest speakers from local companies, Opportunities to visit local organizations and events, and End-of-program celebration. 

Over the years, successive classes of students at ESSEC Business School have founded and managed more than 100 clubs and organizations, with a wide variety of themes: sports, cultural, humanitarian, international or civic, there is something for everyone!

These organizations, often founded and managed by the students themselves, aim to foster student life, promote the school's values, develop students' professional skills, and contribute to the social and cultural life of the campus.

DSC 6086

ESSEC Paris-Cergy Campus

ESSEC's historic campus is located in the city of Cergy, about 30 km northwest of Paris. The campus covers more than seven hectares and offers modern and spacious facilities. It includes several buildings, a library, a gymnasium inaugurated in 2023, as well as areas for relaxing between classes. 

Find out more about ESSEC's Paris-Cergy Campus

ESSEC Asia-Pacific Campus, Singapore

ESSEC's Asia-Pacific Campus, which was inaugurated in 2015, is located in Singapore, Asia, a dynamic city-state known for its thriving business environment and multicultural population. The campus is located in the heart of the city, close to major business centers and commercial areas.

Find out more about ESSEC's Asia-Pacific Campus

ESSEC Africa Campus, Rabat

The ESSEC Africa Campus, which was inaugurated in 2017, is located on the Plage des Nations site in Sidi Bouknadel, 25 minutes outside the Moroccan capital. It offers students a stimulating learning environment with modern facilities such as classrooms equipped with the latest technology, group work spaces and student residences.

Find out more about the ESSEC Africa Campus

  • 40% enter the job market

    • 87% of students find a job within 6 months of graduation

    • 68% work in an international environment

    • Average starting salary of €49,000

    • Major sectors where our graduates work: ICT (Information & Communication Technology), Luxury, Audit & Consulting, Business & Distribution, Food Processing, and Finance.

    • Their principal job functions are spread out as such

  • 60% pursue a Master's degree:

NEW 2021 - Bachelor-to-Master network (B2M) 

ESSEC Cergy and Asia-Pacific campuses and 5 leading business schools from three different continents have created the Bachelor-to-Master (B2M) networkThe objective of B2M is to encourage global mobility for students in management education by facilitating the members’ respective bachelor students to pursue their studies with a master's degree at another member institution. The B2M network provides individual support, waiver of application fees, and other advantages such as a guaranteed invitation to admission interviews for some partners for 20-30 highly selected undergraduate students from each B2M member school, who wish to pursue their studies in a top master program. 

In partnership with IE Business School (Spain), School of Business and Management of The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology (Hong Kong, China), Smith School of Business of Queen’s University at Kingston (Canada), University of Mannheim Business School (Germany) and Warwick Business School (United Kingdom).


  • 9% create their own companies

Since its creation, ESSEC has always cultivated a spirit of entrepreneurship and innovation, which lies at the very core of its educational approach, research, and managerial practices.

ESSEC Ventures is a structure that supports ESSEC students with business projects. It consists of an incubator, a talent incubator, and a seed fund. It also organizes numerous events bringing together entrepreneurs and investors.
Learn more about ESSEC Ventures

Antropia ESSEC is a structure that supports ESSEC students with social enterprise projects so that social, environmental, and economic considerations can come together to create a better world.
Learn more about Antropia ESSEC 

  • Our alumni with entrepreneurial talents include:

    • Corinne Vigreux, Class of 1987, Founder of “Tom-Tom”

    • Patrick Dalsace, Class of 1999, Creator of “La Fourchette”

    • Nicolas Wolfovski, Class of 2009, Creator of “La Fabrique du Sur-Mesure”

    • Louis Bataille and Guillaume Caffin, Class of 2011,  Creators of “Les Deux Gourmands”

Throughout your time at ESSEC, the Career Services will accompany you in defining your career plan and facilitate your entry into the professional world.

Through the support of the Career Services team, you will be able to:

  • Learn more about yourself and enhance your experiences.

  • Explore career opportunities, reflect, and develop your personal and professional projects.

  • Define your internship/job search strategy and prepare yourself for numerous recruitment events through coaching with specialists.

  • Prepare your CV, LinkedIn profile, and cover letter in an impactful manner, and develop your network efficiently.

  • Prepare for different types of job interviews through role-playing exercises (pitching) and learn to position yourself well during salary negotiations.

Meeting with professionals and recruitment opportunities

  • 17,000 exclusive job postings: internships, apprenticeships and jobs.

  • 430+ meetings with recruiters based in France and all around the world: job fairs, company presentations and case studies.

  • 4,000+ individual appointments with career consultants.

  • Access to 5 learning platforms and 40+ articles, training and self-teaching modules.

  • 164 career related workshops.

Recruitment Fairs

Talent Days
This recruitment fair brings together around a hundred companies. You will establish contacts with companies from all sectors of activity, such as: Air Liquide, Amazon, Bouygues, Carrefour, Ekimetrics, Groupe Casino, Henkel, L’Oréal, LVMH, Metro, Orange, Saint-Gobain, Le Groupe TF1, Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield, Unilever, Vinci, etc.

Start-up & Innovative Companies Fair
This fair brings together start-ups for a pitch and speed recruiting day.


When you join ESSEC Business School, you join a community: yours! You will discover within the community, the power of the ESSEC network.

ESSEC Alumni already has 71,000 graduates with diverse profiles dispersed in all corners of the world. With unique personalities, they share a common goal, to achieve their career objectives.

As you enter ESSEC, you become a member of ESSEC Alumni and you remain one forever. This is, in principle, the lifetime membership, that ESSEC has been the first French Business School with a global reach to put in place.

At each step, before and after your course, ESSEC Alumni allows you to:

  • find an internship or a job in France or abroad

  • manage your professional progression

  • switch career paths to become entrepreneurs or independent consultants

  • facilitate exchange with professionals with common goals

  • maintain contact with your cohort and the community.

  • Have you graduated or will you graduate shortly from high school with good grades?

  • Are you a high-achiever planning to pursue an international career?

  • Are you looking to combine technical, analytical, and managerial skills to succeed in
    a global business environment?

The application form is to be filled out online. Create your account and you will receive an e-mail with your login and password. These are required each time you sign in so don’t lose them! You can easily fill in the application form and return to it at any time.


Together with the online application form, you will need to provide official or authenticated copies of the following: 



English track

(Cergy, Singapore, Rabat)

 French track


Academic transcripts

From the last 3 years of high school

An enrollment certificate

Stating your expected graduation date + the diploma you will graduate with

High School Diploma

If already graduated

English test score

You will need to provide one of the following English proficiency tests as part of your application form:

- TOEIC Listening and Reading: 850 (online version is accepted)

- TOEFL iBT: 90 (Special Home Edition is accepted)

-IELTS Academic: 6.5

- Cambridge (B2 First minimum, Advanced, and Proficiency are of course accepted): 175

- Only Rabat Campus Application: Duolingo English Test: 120

The English test is not required if the last 2 years of your academic curriculum are taught entirely in English.

Tests that have been sat more than 2 years ago (at this application deadline) will not be accepted.

It can take several months to prepare and register for an exam slot, so keep this in mind before starting your application as, without a test score, it will be incomplete.

- TOEIC listening and reading: 780

- TOEFL iBT: 80

- IELTS Academic: 6.0

- Cambridge test B2 First minimum

- Only Rabat Campus Application:  Duolingo English Test: 105

French test score


- DELF (B2)

- TCF (B2 level Minimum)

*non-French-speaking candidates who have completed at least two years of higher education in a program taught in French are exempted

Your CV

One page

Academic recommendation (optional)

If you want your referees to fill out a recommendation letter/survey for you, kindly enter their details as soon as possible, after you start your application. This will give them enough time to fill out your recommendation form before the deadline.


You may include any other supporting documents (SAT, scholarships, language scores...)

Application fees

Cergy Campus: €100 non-refundable fee Singapore Campus: SGD100 non-refundable fee Morocco Campus: €50 non-refundable fee Application fees must be paid on the online application portal (for all campuses).


All documents must be provided in English or French - If you are applying to start in Singapore, please, make sure to provide documents in English- Official translations must also have to be provided for documents in other languages.


Please note that each section of the online application must be filled in conscientiously. Candidates who fail to upload all the required documents by the stated deadlines will not be considered. Make sure that all your documents are ready before you submit your application.



Once you have completed your online application and have attached all the supporting documents, the final step is to submit your online application.


Your application will be fully studied by the admission committee. Each part of your application is taken into account. The result will then be published online and you can access this via your application summary.


Shortlisted results will be announced on the dates communicated in the table above.



Shortlisted applicants will be contacted to organise an interview either in person on one of our campuses or via videoconference.


The interview will last 30 minutes in front of two examiners. It is a classic motivational interview. The aim is for you to be able to demonstrate your motivation to join the programme and the school and also get across your personality.


Please be aware that no interview will be scheduled out of the announced dates.



Results will be published online in your application summary.


If you have been successful, you will be notified by email.



If you have been successful, you will then be contacted by a member of the admissions team who will tell you how to go about confirming your place in the program. This will include paying a non-refundable deposit of €5,500 (France Campus), SGD 4,000 (Singapore Campus), or 25,000 MAD (Morocco Campus) which will then be deducted from your tuition fees.



You can start either in France or Singapore and the decision is yours to make! When you start your online application, you will be asked which campus you wish to start the programme on. It is not possible to switch campuses after you have submitted your application except in exceptional circumstances.



Our students come from all over the world and schools, diplomas, and education systems are extremely varied. It of course depends on the prestige and reputation of your high school and/or diploma and naturally your academic grades and record up to now. Your academic record must be way above the average with consistent or increasing results. You will be asked to present your transcripts and 2 academic reference letters as part of the application. It is however equally important to show your motivation and get across your personality. If you have any questions, our Ambassadors, Recruitment, and Admissions team can advise you.



If you are shortlisted after reviewing your application, you will be invited for an interview via video conference using Zoom facilities.



The purpose of the interview is to assess your motivation for pursuing a Global BBA, your professional/personal goals, and your potential fit with the program. All interviews are carried out in English and last on average 30 minutes. 

The Jury is usually composed of 2 members: a member of the ESSEC Faculty, a manager from the administrative staff at ESSEC, or a professional.



You don't have to worry about them. Reference letters will have to be filled out online by your referees.

It is your responsibility to enter the details of your referees correctly onto your application online to allow them to receive the link and fill out the letter.



Both reference letters have to be uploaded by your academic referees (Counselors, Professors, Dean of your school...).  Besides, you can add a professional reference letter if you want to, but it is not mandatory.



Additional letters are accepted under the condition that they provide a unique insight into a candidate's profile. 



Reference letters can also be submitted in French (only for the Cergy campus).



It is a letter from your current high school, stamped and signed, that testifies to your enrollment, attendance, and your expected graduation date.



Once you have confirmed your place, you will receive an email from our Admissions team with a link to start your enrollment on the Office of the Registrar's platform




Description: To sustain the academic excellence of the Global BBA, ESSEC Business School offers scholarships to the most outstanding international candidates.


Eligibility: Open to all applicants and awarded based on the overall quality of their application i.e. academic excellence demonstrated in the file and in the selection interview.


Amount: Can cover up to 25% of total tuition fees.


Scholarships are awarded with the admission decision at each session of admission.

No additional applications or requests.



Description: Varied cultural perspectives and backgrounds enhance the education and experience of all our students as well as being a key factor in the excellence of our programs. With this in mind, ESSEC seeks to create further diversity in its already diverse student body.


Eligibility: Be a citizen of a country in one of the following regions: Africa, Asia, Asia-Pacific, Europe (except France), North America, and South America.


Amount: Up to 25% of total tuition fees.


Scholarships are awarded with the admission decision at each session of admission.

No additional applications or requests.


Description: The EDUKAFRICA scholarship is granted to candidates from Africa (Morocco included) admitted to the ESSEC Global BBA, Rabat Campus.


Eligibility: To be eligible, the candidate must have an African nationality and did their high school studies in Africa.


Amount:  The scholarship will cover 40% of the total tuition fees.


Procedure: This scholarship is awarded at each admission session, along with the admission offer. No additional application or request is needed.

Excellence Scholarship can also be offered up to 10% if you are eligible for EDUKAFRICA and Excellence Scholarships.



French State higher education scholarships (CROUS) and scholarships granted by certain regions or local authorities help make it possible for students to finance their ESSEC Global BBA program. The scholarships are managed by the CROUS de Versailles; however, the Office of Student Affairs must first validate your status as a student.


The scholarships are reserved for French citizens and international students residing permanently in France and enrolled in the ESSEC Global BBA program. They must provide French income tax statements for the two years before their admission at ESSEC.


Applications must be submitted between 15th January and 30th April for the following academic year. To find out more about how and when to submit your application:



In order to help international students in their search for financing options, Campus France has set up a search engine allowing you to find scholarships for which you may be eligible.


For more information: Campus Bourses - Grant search engine



A platform to channel the influence of Lebanese finance executives worldwide to establish stronger bonds, nurture the next generation, and promote Lebanon. 



  1. Be Lebanese or of Lebanese descent.
  2. Achieve and maintain academic excellence.
  3. Demonstrate interest in pursuing a career in Finance. 
  4. Be in financial need. 



Up to 12,000$ per year for the duration of the academic programme. 

Application procedure: 

ESSEC submits applications for LIFE Scholarships on your behalf.


scholarship global bba international

Student Loans

Banks in Cergy offer ESSEC student loans at preferential rates, which can be paid back following graduation. ESSEC has also established a partnership with the bank Le Crédit Lyonnais (LCL) in Cergy to offer financing that covers full tuition fees for any of our academic programmes.

Loan applicants are required to have a guarantor living in France. According to the banks, the guarantor must earn enough to cover the monthly loan payments but also either be a French citizen, a close family member, and/or both. Additional fees and expenses will be the responsibility of the student.


Loan Amount: Variable


Duration: can last approximately eight years including deferred payment.



Many US citizens or permanent residents opt to take out the US Federal Stafford and private Sallie Mae loans. These loans can cover up to the full cost of attendance and all applicants having a co-signer in the US are eligible for these loan programmes. ESSEC is listed as “ESSEC Business School", and has a code number of G30959.





Stay tuned!


