ESSEC begins a new academic year


Summer is ending, giving way to the start of the new academic year at ESSEC. From late August to mid-September, the campuses are welcoming close to 3,000 new faces, 40% of whom are international students. The corridors, quiet over the summer, once again resonate with lively discussions, classrooms are filling up, and the campus is back to its usual hustle and bustle.


Monday, September 2nd marks the start of the new academic year for several of ESSEC's flagship programs, including the Grande Ecole program, one of the oldest and most prestigious Masters in Management. This day marks the start of a demanding academic journey. ESSEC Dean and President Vincenzo Vinzi  welcomed students to the Grand Amphithéâtre. He noted the importance of working together: “In this period of unprecedented economic, social, political and environmental change, it is more necessary than ever to put people and the environment at the heart of our actions, so that business is the solution and not the problem.” This speech, both serious and motivating, set the tone for an enriching, educational year.



Aarti Ramaswami, Executive Vice President and Dean of Pre-Experience Programs, also welcomed the students. She highlighted the importance  of seizing this new opportunity to grow: “ESSEC is now your school. The transformation you will experience over the next few years is your responsibility. We are here to support and encourage you.” Her words reminded students that this back-to-school season is much more than just a return to the classroom: it's the start of a personal and academic adventure that will shape their future.



The new school year also saw the launch of the HEPTA (Hautes Études Pluridisciplinaires pour Top Athlètes) Bachelor's degree program, a particularly significant initiative at a time when the Paris 2024 Paralympics are in full swing. The program is the result of collaboration between ESSEC, CentraleSupélec and Sciences Po. It will welcome its first 32 students to INSEP on September 10th. Among them will be Sébastien Patrice, bronze medallist in fencing at the Paris 2024 Olympics, who embodies the spirit of this Bachelor's program and its academic excellence.

In Singapore, ESSEC welcomed its largest cohort to date (109 students) Global Bachelor in Business Administration (GBBA) one week ago, in a context marked by the school's commitment to a more sustainable and inclusive world. The Singapore campus was recently awarded the title of the “Company of Good - 1 Heart” by the National Center for Volunteerism and Philanthropy. The title recognizes the efforts of the campus in a variety of areas from sustainability-focused faculty research and staff volunteering initiatives, to environmentally-friendly facilities such as an edible garden and solar panels. 



On the Rabat campus, the first-year students of the Global BBA will start on Monday, September 9, marking an important milestone with a class of 55 students, double the previous year's numbers. Since its inauguration in 2017, this campus has offered an exceptional study environment, combining innovative teaching methods and a learning-friendly environment. Spanning 6,000 square meters, the campus welcomes both initial training students and continuing education professionals, all motivated by the growing opportunities offered by the African continent.




After these first days, students at the Cergy campus will quickly be plunged into the new semester,  with back-to-school seminars, a highlight of their integration. These seminars, which will run until the end of October, are part of ESSEC's strategy. They are designed to introduce students to contemporary global issues, while reinforcing their commitment to ESSEC’s fundamental values. They also provide an opportunity for collective reflection on crucial issues such as sustainable development, diversity and inclusion, entrepreneurship, technological innovation, digital transformation and creativity.



In addition to  their academic dimension, these seminars offer students the opportunity to meet new people, discuss real-life issues , benefit from the expertise of prestigious speakers, and collaborate in teams on practical projects. This immersive approach embodies the very essence of ESSEC continuously striving to train leaders capable of thinking and acting responsibly in an ever-changing world.

At the start of the 2024 academic year, ESSEC reaffirms its commitment to training the leaders of tomorrow, capable of meeting the challenges of our world. 

We wish all our students a year full of success, inspiration and discovery. 

