SIRENE No. 49: International Mediation in Context: Lessons Learned for Effective Conflict Management


Organized by the Institute for Research and Education on Negotiation Asia-Pacific (IRENE Asia-Pacific) and the Singapore International Mediation Ce...

Organized by the Institute for Research and Education on Negotiation Asia-Pacific (IRENE Asia-Pacific) and the Singapore International Mediation Center, SIRENE No. 49 on "International Mediation in Context: Lessons Learned for Effective Conflict Management" will take place at ESSEC Asia-Pacific on Thursday, 19 November 2015.


The geopolitical landscape of today, the global flows of human capital, goods and capital have all contributed to the increased globalization of political and commercial disputes. How can mediation be used to solve the increasing number of international disputes? What are the limits and possibilities of international mediation? What are some common lessons we can draw from the use of international mediation for the resolution of non-commercial and commercial disputes?

We will invite academics and experts from both Europe and Asia to share their views and experience, and seek out possible answers to the above questions with participants of the seminar.

To register for the seminar, kindly send your contact details to .

Prof. Lawrence BOO
Board Member, Singapore International Mediation Center and Resident, The Arbitration Chambers, Singapore

Prof. Aurélien COLSON
Associate Professor of 
Political Science at 
ESSEC Business School, 
& Director of the Centre of Excellence IRENÉ - International Governance & Dialogue 
(via Video Conference)
Ms. Bonnie HOBBS
Board Member, Singapore International Mediation Center and MD – Associate General Counsel, Accenture
Mr. Ta Wei CHAO
Executive Director, Institute for Research and Education on Negotiation Asia-Pacific
(IRENE Asia-Pacific),
ESSEC Business School