Armand Peugeot Chair

Armand Peugeot Chair

The Armand Peugeot Chair, created in 2011 by CentraleSupélec, ESSEC Business School and Stellantis, was renewed in 2020 until 2024. The Chair addresses the complexity of the questions raised by the future of the automotive industry in the context of the development of electromobility. It is structured so that engineering sciences, economics, management sciences and social sciences can be brought together to work on the same project.

The expansion of electromobility will lead to a complete upheaval of supply and demand, which is why the objective of the Armand Peugeot Chair is to create a space for dialogue, training and prospective research in order to build scenarios for technological, economic and marketing developments.

The Chair has also contributed to the emergence of new approaches to the economics of electromobility - ideas which have been shared with international academic and industrial partners.

"The electromobility revolution is not only a revolution for car manufacturers, but also for an entire ecosystem of stakeholders. The Armand Peugeot Chair plays the role of both creator and disseminator of knowledge on the different interfaces that connect these various players."

Jan Lepoutre

Professor, Co-Chairholder of the Armand Peugeot-Electromobility Chair

  • The PSA Group and the Armand Peugeot Chair host PhD candidates and post-doctoral students, supervise projects, and organize teaching sessions, workshops and international conferences on the challenges of hybrid technologies and the economics of electromobility.

  • Since its creation, six doctoral students have worked on various subjects such as the recycling of electric vehicle batteries, the integration of electric vehicles in the grid, innovative business models for electric vehicle manufacturers and the analysis of the development of recharging infrastructures.

Added value

Thanks to its experience and expertise, the Chair's international conference has become a leading reference for monitoring developments in the electromobility market and its various players.

Forum-ESSEC-Law-Fair-2022-Nicolas-Launay (133)

Chairholder, Armand Peugeot Chair

Professor, ESSEC Business School

Yannick PEREZ

Chairholder, Armand Peugeot Chair

Professor in Economic Sciences

Member of the Industrial Engineering Laboratory, CentraleSupélec


Chairholder, Armand Peugeot Chair

Professor in Electrical Engineering (63rd section of CNU)

Member of the GeePs laboratory and the Electricity Energy department, CentraleSupélec 
