Food Chair

Food Business Challenges Chair

The ambition of the Food Chair is to involve ESSEC students and the agri-food communities in reflection and action to build the agri-food ecosystem of tomorrow. Nowadays, in this industry, managers must learn how to navigate many complex issues. They will face deep transformational challenges on a local and global scale: environmental challenges such as global warming and biodiversity, technological challenges, societal challenges such as malnutrition and the development of new consumer habits, and strategic challenges such as the development of FoodTech start-ups.

Such challenges require a strong capacity to “embrace” the future, innovate and develop new business models, to move toward a sustainable agri-food system.

The Chair program is designed to provide participants with an in-depth understanding of the food ecosystem, both from a managerial perspective and a technological point of view. By increasing our common understanding of these challenges, we wish to design and implement relevant, resilient and sustainable systems and solutions endowed with multiple benefits for the people, the planet, and the companies’ economic performance. We relentlessly work together and with our partners to help ESSEC students become the young leaders the industry is looking for to transform and drive forward the transition of the agri-food industry in France and internationally.

Food Business Challenges Chair receives France 2030 label 

The agri-food industry, from farm to fork, is undergoing profound and rapid change. The Chair's program represents a unique opportunity to join this industry to become the future innovative leaders who will lead the transition.

Thinking and acting together for the future, with an innovative, even slightly offbeat outlook, in line with ESSEC's pioneering spirit."

Pr. Olivier Fourcadet et Pr. Frédéric Oble

Directors of the Food Chair

  • Partner companies committed to the transition and involved in the Chair's program to challenge and involve students in the challenges they face.

  • A strong commitment to putting students into action on innovative projects, such as the Design Thinking bootcamp, the Business Design & Culinary Arts challenge with our partner Le Cordon Bleu and the two Chair seminars.

  • A variety of events throughout the 6 months of the Chair to develop a clear understanding of the many challenges faced by food companies and the ways of tackling them.

  • The Food Chair is a member of ESSEC's Centre for Social and Ecological Innovation and contributes to events such as the ESSEC Transition Talks.

  • Over 40 years of ESSEC expertise in the management of agri-food companies.

Notre valeur ajoutée Chaire Food Business Challenges

Become the next generation of responsible leaders Agri-Food companies are looking for to meet the challenges they face.

Positions are available in :

  • Sustainable Development, CSR
  • Marketing, 
  • Operations (Purchasing & Supply Chain), 
  • Finance & Control, 
  • Project Management, 
  • Innovation Management…

 and also in various types of companies:

  • AgriFood Industry (BtoC / BtoB, FMCG / Luxury, Health sectors), 
  • Retail, 
  • Hospitality, 
  • Startups, FoodTech, 
  • Consulting…


Duration: 6 months from January to June

  • Food Fresk & Team Building (January)

  • Design Thinking Bootcamp with a Food company in connection with a CSR project (February)

  • Chair Seminars “World of Food Challenges” (T2) and “Insights on Food Challenges” (T3)

  • 5-day Food Concept Creative workshop (Intensive week, T2)

  • Learning expedition to confront students to real CSR, business and managerial issues of the agri-food industry through discussions with managers and ESSEC alumni.

  • Keynote Series “Leaders in Food Transition” & “ESSEC Transition Talks”

  • Workshops, visits, and conferences with the Chair’s partners or affiliates.

  • 3-day “Business Culinary Arts & Business design Workshop“ with Le Cordon Bleu (School of culinary arts and hospitality management) to imagine and design a restaurant concept and create its menu signature.

PHOTO Equipe gagnante

The Chair welcomes students from the MiM Grande Ecole program, the MSc in Sustainability Transformation, the MSc in Hospitality Management, the Advanced Masters in Marketing Management & Digital, Gestion des Achats Internationaux & Supply Chain,  Entrepreneurs, and the Global BBA program.

Pr. Olivier Fourcadet

Professor, Management Department


Frédéric OBLE
Pr. Frédéric Oble

Professor, Marketing Department


Chantal NEVEU
Chantal Neveu


The Bel Group is a world leader in the branded cheese sector and a major player in the healthy snacking segment.

METRO France, part of METRO AG Group, is a leading supplier of independent restaurants in France.

McCormick & Company is a global leader in flavor. McCormick is ranked by Corporate Knights 22nd most sustainable company, and number 1 most sustainable in Food Products.

Le Cordon Bleu is the Chair's academic partner.

The Chair is Labeled France 2030.


