Ranked second among the most important issues for the French (source: ADEME), climate change is also a concern for major stakeholders gathered at the World Impact Summit: institutions, associations, NGOs, and businesses.
"The World Impact Summit is one of the most important events in France on these issues. It is highly solution-oriented," explains Alexis de la Tour du Pin, Executive Director of the ESSEC Chair Ecological Transition Talents. "Like the Deliver Corporate Sustainability Transformation program we designed to train Capgemini Invent consultants. Its aim is to equip them with knowledge and tools to provide real solutions to their clients and support them in their ecological transition."
This enriching collaboration with Capgemini Invent, one of the founding partners of the ESSEC Chair, involves courses, practical cases, applied research, recruitment, and ongoing training.
Ecosystemic Approach: Integrated directly into the program modules, this approach addresses the challenge of massifying interactive training that gives meaning to participants.
100% Digital Approach: Faced with the urgency of training a large number of consultants on ecological transition issues in a short time (18 months), ESSEC has developed a flexible tool that fits their schedules. The digital approach is ideal, offering a wide variety of formats for high interactivity.
Emphasis on Concrete Action and Solutions: In a context where global issues require swift action, the program focuses on practical tools for developing strategies tailored to each company.
"We chose to organize the training around two planetary boundaries: climate change and biodiversity loss. These are the two limits on which companies mobilize the most and for which they need priority support," explains Alexis.
Capgemini Invent consultants are trained in the use of tools such as the Materiality Matrix, which identifies and prioritizes a company's CSR issues relative to its stakeholders.
Sustainable Training Journey: Participants undergo a 12-week learning journey, with 2 hours of training per week based on 4 stages: knowledge acquisition, group work on a practical case, peer-to-peer correction, and quizzes. Through the platform, they have access to experts' testimonials from various sectors.
"We designed the solution with the intention of maintaining a good balance between professional engagement and learning," emphasizes Alexis. "Participants find that the program provides essential foundations on key topics, challenging them repeatedly. They appreciate the flexible format that adapts to their busy schedules while allowing them to interact effectively with strategic partners within their companies."
Following the pilot promotion, many Capgemini Invent consultants have embraced the Materiality Matrix tool to better support their clients, and the second promotion of the program was launched on March 5th.
To learn more about the program or discuss your project, contact the Custom Programs team.