In order to crack this complexity, what better idea than bringing around the table people from such diverse backgrounds and cultures who can individually see the problem from different perspectives and collectively cover each of its aspects! But this process is nothing but simple. When getting the complexity of the problem we are only halfway as it remains to make choices to address opposing issues whether economic, social, or environmental. There will never be a solution that can perfectly fix one side without compromising the other so that the whole art of responsible innovators is to find the “good” balance between aspects. Given this subtlety, this process must not be seen as a “one shot” action but more as a path with continuous rethinking of the way we do things while relying on our collective judgment.
And at the end, we made it! We collectively deployed all our energy towards studying the problem while facing opposing constraints and opinions. We delivered concrete and detailed suggestions that address every tiny issue of the problem. Of course, all suggestions are not easy to deploy, but there is a long path to take towards sustainability, and broadly speaking, no matter what humans decide, we will take the path. The real question is whether we want to decide its outcome or let the planet remind us that nothing happens without consequence.
Thank you to Xavier Pavie for organizing this amazing experience that is a model of "doing good" and thank you to all Global MBA, ESSEC Business School staff and students who supported this wonderful initiative. I am very proud and honored that I was part of it !
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