
Apprenticeship tax

Support ESSEC by donating your Apprenticeship tax to the school

Since 1907, ESSEC Business School's mission has been to train responsible and inclusive future leaders to meet the major challenges of tomorrow. Training in societal and environmental developments, raising awareness of the challenges of Artificial Intelligence and data sciences, involvement in sustainable entrepreneurship projects... Together and alongside more than 1,000 companies every year, we accompany and support our students in a constant quest for innovation, excellence and responsibility. 

Our ambition: to inspire new forms of leadership that are meaningful and have a positive impact.

In 2023, the Taxe d'Apprentissage will be reformed following the application of the second stage of the Loi Avenir Professionnel. It is in this context, and because we are authorized to do so, that we invite you to donate your balance of the taxe d'apprentissage to ESSEC.

Choosing ESSEC for your Taxe d'Apprentissage means supporting the school's development and associating yourself with our ambition!


The Taxe d'Apprentissage in 2024: 

- Since 2023, the balance of the Taxe d'Apprentissage has been paid to URSSAF, which is the only body authorized to collect it.

- Direct collection by establishments is no longer possible.

- This balance now represents 0.09% of the 2023 payroll.

How to assign the balance of your Apprenticeship Tax to ESSEC?


  • From May 13 2024, log on the SOLTéA platform, the dedicated platform of the Caisse des Dépôts which lists all accredited institutions authorised to collect the Apprenticeship tax.

    • Create your account with your SIRET.

    • Select ESSEC as the beneficiary via the search engine.

    • Define the percentage of allocation to ESSEC.

ESSEC’s accreditation code - UAI - is unchanged: 0951214D - Siret 775 663 958 00046

  • In April 2023, declare your donation via the Nominative Social Declaration (Déclaration Sociale Nominative, DSN)

  • Before May 5 (for companies with more than 50 employees) and before May 15 (for companies with less than 50 employees), URSSAF will deduct the balance of your Apprenticeship tax

The balance of the Apprenticeship tax collected by URSSAF will then be transferred to the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations (CDC), which will, in turn, distribute the funds to ESSEC in two instalments.



If you want to join the many companies that are creating a positive impact alongside our school each year, name ESSEC as a beneficiary on SOLTéA, the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations' allocation platform.


This platform of the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations is now the only way to direct the balance of your Apprenticeship tax to ESSEC in 2024.

The SOLTéA platform is the only way to exercise your right to choose who should benefit from your Apprenticeship tax.


Starting in 2023, since ESSEC no longer collects your payment directly, we are no longer able to issue a tax receipt for your donation. Your URSSAF deduction is your proof of payment.
