HRS4R : Human resources strategy for researchers

HRS4R : Human resources strategy for researchers

“ESSEC recruits professors trained at the most prestigious international institutions, ready to commit themselves fully of their profession and to accompany the school in its opening to the world. Our Professors - nearly 50% international - are recognized for the excellence of their academic research, their innovative teaching methods and their commitment to companies and organizations.”

Michel Baroni

Dean of Faculty

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In 2021, ESSEC initiated a quality process with regards to its human resources policy and strategy for its research community. On February 2, 2023, ESSEC was the first French business school ever to receive the “HR Excellence in Research” award, thereby joining a community of over 700 research organisations, including 59 in France.

This label is awarded by the European Commission to research institutions committed to the continuous improvement of their HR strategy for researchers in line with the 40 principles of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers.

This award confirms ESSEC’s positioning and attractiveness on a European scale. It reinforces the school commitment to excellence and continuous improvement, placing researchers at the centre of its human resources policy.


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ESSEC worked together with its community of researchers to define an ambitious HR plan, and identified 42 actions grouped into seven development priorities:

  1. Recruitment

  2. Ethics and impact of research

  3. Working environment

  4. Training and career development

  5. Professionnal equality

  6. Communication

  7. Support for PhD students
