
Department of Information Systems, Data Analytics and Operations


Information systems, data analytics and operations

Our department combines expertise in information systems, data analytics, operations research, and operations management. We aim for excellence in research, teaching and business consulting. 

The department's expertise focuses on the quantitative and qualitative modeling, management and analysis of data. The department is made up of four complementary groups:

- Information Systems, which deals with the modeling, development and management of information. The Information Systems group conducts research on how individuals and organizations can leverage digital technologies to enhance efficiency and effectiveness.

- Data Analytics, which deals with the modeling, analysis and interpretation of data specifically for decision-making. The Data Analytics group conducts research on stochastic methods such as statistics, econometrics, and forecasting.

- Operations Research, which deals with the optimization of decision making. The Operations Research group conducts research on the development of new methods and on the application of methods to solve operations problems.

- Operations Management, which deals with the creation, production, and delivery of products and services. The Operations Management group conducts research on operations management, service management and innovation.

Within ESSEC Business School, the department has three objectives:

  • To contribute to basic and applied academic research according to the highest international standards;
  • To participate in the dissemination of knowledge among students in full-time education (BA, MA and PhD students), as well as professionals in continuing education;
  • To study concrete decision-making problems and provide guidance for companies and practitioners.


Research is an essential activity of the department, ensuring the dissemination of the latest theoretical advances to students in initial and continuing education, as well as through consulting studies.

The department hosts numerous seminars and conferences, where the latest research is presented and discussed.

students working

Le département gère deux programmes de niveau master et propose plusieurs parcours et chaires dans le master in management (Programme Grande École).

  • ESSEC|CentraleSupelec BSc in AI, Data and Management Sciences
  • ESSEC|CentraleSupelec Master in Data Sciences and Business Analytics
  • Master Spécialisé Management des Systèmes d’Information en Réseaux
  • PhD Program with concentrations in "Data Analytics", “Digitalization and Information Systems”, and “Operations Management/ Operations Research"
  • Risk & Actuarial Track
  • Business Analytics Methods Track
  • Digital Transformation and Digital Business Track
  • Operations Management in Cergy
  • Operations Management in Singapore
  • ESSEC-Centrale Supélec dual degree
  • ESSEC-ENSAE dual degree

Meet the entire department’s faculty:

► Faculty

