Latest publications

Latest publications
  • Latest:

DION Delphine, Journal of Consumer Research  >>

MICKELER Maren, Strategic Management Journal  >>

SEPEHRI Amir, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology >>

ALQUIER Pierre, Annals of Statistics >>

CONTI Raffaele, Organization Science >>

DION Delphine, Sonja Prokopec, Journal of Marketing >>

FULOP Andras, Management Science >>

GOURIER Elise, Journal of Finance >>

HUISING Ruthanne, Organization Science >>

JANDHYALA Srividya, Strategic Management Journal >>

BACH Laurent, American Economic Review >>

CERDIN Jean-Luc, Journal of International Business Studies >>

CHAN Frank, MIS Quartely >>

KLOPP Olga, Annals of Statistics >>

LAMBIN Xavier, Management Science >>

RENO Roberto, Journal of Finance (collaborative article) >>

ROMBOUTS Jeroen, Information Systems Research >>

SLUSS David, Journal of Applied Psychology >>

STRAUSS Karoline, Journal of Applied Psychology (2 articles) >>   &   >>

WANG Fan, Management Science >>

WORKIEWICZ Maciej, Academy of Management Review >> 

CASARIN Veronica, Accounting, Organizations and Society >>

MICKELER Maren, KHASHABI Pooyan, Strategic Management Journal >>

OPERTI ELisa, Strategic Management Journal >>

PACHE Anne-Claire, Academy of Management Journal >>

ROMBOUTS Jeroen, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis >>

SADRI Mohamad, Strategic Management Journal >> 



  • Accounting and Management Control

CHRISTENSEN Mark (2024), Deciding to be ignored: Why accounting scholars use dubious quality research outlets in a neocolonial context, Critical Perspectives on Accounting see more 

ELEMES Anastasios (2024), Tax-Motivated Income Shifting in Audit-Firm Networks: Comparing Big 4 and Non-Big 4 Firms, Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance, see more

LECA Bernard (2024), Accounting and silence: The unspeakable, the unsaid,and the inaudible, Contemporary Accounting Research, see more

LORINO Philippe (2024) Chapter 4: Pragmatist Approaches to Qualitative Organizational Communication Research, The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research in Organizational Communication, see more


  • Public and Private Policy

RAMUS Tommaso, (2024) When Social Innovations Foster Integral Human Development: Evidence from the Impact of Theatrical Activities on Prison Inmates’ Social Skills, Journal of Business Ethics, see more 


  • Economics

SAND-ZANTMAN Wilfried, (2024) Media Mergers in Nested Markets, Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, see more 

BERLINGIERI Giuseppe, (2024) The great divergence(s), Research Policy, See more

BERLINGIERI Giuseppe, (2024) Last But Not Least: Laggard Firms, Technology Diffusion, and its Structural and Policy Determinants, International Economic Review  see more 

CELIK Gorkem, (2024) Ideal Default for Resolving Disputes Efficiently, International Economic Review  see more 

CONTENSOU François & VRANCEANU Radu, (2024) Contrats de travail et emploi dans un modèle ville-périphérie, Revue Économique, See more

LAMBIN Xavier, (2024) Collusion by mistake: Does algorithmic sophistication drive supra-competitive profits?, European Journal of Operational Research, See more

MION Giordano, (2024) On the productivity advantage of cities, Journal of Economic Geography, See more

NAEF Alain, (2024) Blowing against the Wind? a narrative approach to central Bank foreign exchange intervention, Journal of International Money and Finance, See more

VRANCEANU Radu, (2024), Reluctance to pursue breakthrough research: A signaling explanation, Research Policy, See more 


  • Finance

BACHAS Pierre, (2024) Journal of Economic Perspectives, American Economic Review, See more

GASPAR José-Miguel, (2024) Digitalization and the performance of non-technological firms: Evidence from the COVID-19 and natural disaster shocks, Journal of Corporate Finance, See more

KARAPETYAN Artashes, (2024) Inefficient Regulation: Mortgages versus Total Credit, Review of Finance (ex European Finance Review), See more


  • Operations Management

EL OUARDIGHI Fouad, (2024)The economic impact of lockdown and bounded treatment capability for an epidemic without vaccine, Economic Theory, See more

PAPIER Felix, (2024) Market Thickness in Online Food Delivery Platforms: The Impact of Food Processing Times, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, See more


  • Faculty at Large

AZAMBUJA R., ISLAM G., ANCELIN-BOURGUIGNON A. (2023), Walling in and Walling out: Middle Managers' Boundary Work, Journal of Management Studies, see more


  • Management

BARTHELEMY Jérôme (2024) Une origine étrangère est-elle un avantage ou un désavantage pour un réseau de franchise ?, Management International  see more  

GRÖSCHL Stefan, LEPOUTRE Jan, (2024), Don't Panic: Remaining El Capitan While Navigating Unpreparedness in Response to Extreme Events, Journal of Management Inquiry, see more

GRÖSCHL Stefan, (2024) Women without a voice: A commentary, Gender, Work and Organization Organization see more

GRÖSCHL Stefan (2024) The Emergence and Effects of Sponsors for Women Leaders, Gender, Work and Organization see more 

STRAUSS Karoline, (2024), How future work self salience shapes the effects of interacting with artificial intelligence, Journal of Vocational Behavior, see more


  • Marketing

De BRUYN Arnaud, (2024) Silently killing your panelists one email at a time: The true cost of email solicitations, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, see more

DION Delphine, (2024) Balancing exclusivity and inclusivity through the strategic domestication of the luxury retail experience, International Journal of Research in Marketing, see more

GUPTA Reetika, (2024) Marketing to Bottom-of-the-Pyramid Consumers in an Emerging Market: The Responses of Mainstream Consumers, Journal of Business Ethics, see more

KUBLER Raoul, (2024) I like, I share, I vote: Mapping the dynamic system of political marketing, Journal of Business Research, see more

KUBLER Raoul, (2024) Unstructured data research in business: Toward a structured approach, Journal of Business Research, see more

KUBLER Raoul & SEGGIE Steven, (2024) The impact of Covid-19 on how core and peripheral service satisfaction impacts customer satisfaction, Journal of Business Research, see more

MAZODIER Marc, (2024) Why advertisers should embrace event typicality and maximize leveraging of major events, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, see more

McFARLAND Richard, (2024) Are you looking for something specific or just looking around? Adaptive selling on the basis of customer shopping goals in retail sales, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, see more

SEGGIE Steven,  (2024) The show must go on: The role of contract frames in safeguarding relationship continuity, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, see more


  • Information Systems, Decision Sciences & Statistics

ALFANDARI Laurent & ARCHETTI Claudia, (2024) A Triple Bottom Line optimization model for assignment and routing of on-demand home services, Computers & Operations Research, see more

ALFANDARI Laurent (2024) Stochastic scheduling and routing decisions in online meal delivery platforms with mixed force, European Journal of Operational Research  see more 

ALQUIER Pierre (book), (2024) User-friendly Introduction to PAC-Bayes Bounds, now publishers, see more

DELLE DONNE Diego (2024) A branch-and-price algorithm for the hyper-rectangular clustering problem with axis-parallel clusters and outliers, Computational Optimization and Applications  see more

EL OUARDIGHI Fouad, (2024) Environmental sustainability under production competition with costly adjustments: An appraisal of firms’ behavior with regard to pollution dynamic, Omega, see more

HENG Jeremy, (2024) On Unbiased Estimation for Partially Observed Diffusions, Journal of Machine Learning Research, see more

HENG Jeremy, (2024) Diffusion Schrödinger Bridges for Bayesian Computation, Statistical Science: a Review Journal, see more

HUBER Thomas, (2024) Responding to platform owner moves: A 14-year qualitative study of four enterprise software complementors, Information Systems Journal, see more

LECUE Guillaume (2024) A geometrical viewpoint on the benign overfitting property of the minimum  L2-norm interpolant estimator and its universality, Probability Theory and Related Fields  see more 

LJUBIC Ivana, (2024) Benders decomposition for the discrete ordered median problem, European Journal of Operational Research, see more

LJUBIC Ivana, (2024) Exact algorithms for continuous pricing with advanced discrete choice demand models, OR Spectrum  see more

LJUBIC Ivana, (2024) Last fifty years of integer linear programming: A focus on recent practical advances, European Journal of Operational Research  see more

LJUBIC Ivana, (2024) The Impact of Passive Social Media Viewers in Influence Maximization, INFORMS Journal on Computing  see more

MALAURENT Julien, (2024) Literature and Insights: My Name is Red: an imaginary immersion into the voices and murmurs of the Chinese social credit system and its artifacts, Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, see more

RENO Roberto, (2024) Realized drift, Journal of Econometrics, see more 

RENO Roberto, (2024) The Liquidity Uncertainty Premium Puzzle, Journal of Time Series Analysis  see more  

ROMBOUTS Jeroen, (2024) Cross-temporal forecast reconciliation at digital platforms with machine learning, International Journal of Forecasting, see more

WAARDENBURG Lauren, (2024) Chapter 12: It takes a village: the ecology of explaining AI, Research Handbook on Artificial Intelligence and Decision Making in Organizations, see more 

WAARDENBURG Lauren,(2025) What is augmented? A meta-narrative review of AI-based augmentation, Journal of the Association for Information Systems  see more 

WATTIAU Isabelle (2025) IS/IT Backsourcing decision making - A design science research approach, Decision Support Systems  see more 
