Leading a Scale-Up Chair

Leading a Scale-Up Chair

The “Leading a Scale-Up” Chair at ESSEC prepares you to take on high-growth, high impact professional roles within the scale-up ecosystem. You will learn the unique leadership competencies needed to lead within hyper-growth organizations. You will learn how scale-ups grow organizationally and professionally to meet the agile demands of their growth and the market.


  • Learning by doing" courses: We believe in learning by doing. Our courses offer practical, hands-on experience, challenging students to solve real problems encountered by scale-ups. This gives them an in-depth understanding of the challenges and opportunities facing these fast-growing companies.

  • Immersion in the scale-up ecosystem: We offer our students the unique opportunity to dive right into the heart of the scale-up ecosystem. Through company visits, field projects and internships, they are immersed in the culture, challenges and business practices of these fast-growing companies, greatly enriching their learning experience.

  • Networking events with scale-up leaders: We regularly organize networking events where our students can meet and interact with established leaders in the scale-up field. These meetings offer valuable opportunities to establish professional contacts, exchange ideas and discover the latest trends in the sector. This enables our students to develop professional relationships and build a solid network in the scale-up field.

Visuel valeur ajoutée Chaire “Leading a Scale-Up”

Integrating your Chair experience with your masters studies allows you to focus your career on one of several specializations :   

  • Business Development & Customer Success

  • Digital Marketing & Analytics

  • ESG (Environmental, Social & Governance)

  • People & Culture

  • Performance Metrics & Finance

  • Product Development/Management & Supply Chain

Duration : 6 months from January to June (with “Scale-up Conference” in October)

  • Chair-sponsored learning meetups with scale-up founders and executives

  • Chair-sponsored career workshops with partners and ESSEC Career Services

  • Annual partner-curated “Scale-up Best Practices” conference

  • Student-led “Scale-up Research Mission” presentation event

  • Travel to experience vibrant scale-up ecosystems (e.g. London, Amsterdam)

David SlussDavid Sluss
David Sluss

Professor of Management

Professor of management, Holder of the "Leading a Scale-Up" Chair Professor of Management, Academic Director of the Global MBA.

Crystèle JUSTECrystèle JUSTE
Crystèle JUSTE

Leading a Scale Up Chair Assistant
