
Pedagogy and working methods at ESSEC


With campuses in Europe, Asia and Africa, ESSEC Business School offers a wide range of academic programs, both pre- and post-experience. From Bachelor's to Doctorate degrees, from the Master in Management to Advanced Masters, MBA to EMBA, plus the entire Executive Education program, ESSEC Business School trains talented managers who can effectively combine cutting-edge expertise, creativity and teamwork. Confidently evolving in an international environment, they are capable of addressing the complexity of today's economic and societal issues.


Acquire knowledge and methods in the management of companies and organisations to take action consistent with sustainable development.

Students and participants will be trained in managerial, economic, geopolitical, social, environmental - in particular on climate change issues - and technological stakes – notably in the digital field. They will obtain in-depth knowledge and a critical mind in each major management field. They will be able to link them up in an interdisciplinary manner and with respect to ethics.



Reveal their leadership capacities to create value and provide positive impact in companies, organisations, and on society.

Students and participants will be able to demonstrate enlightened and inclusive leadership by stimulating a spirit of cooperation within multicultural and diverse teams. They will know how to develop their skills and competencies throughout their lives in order to remain high-performing, involved and responsible.



Develop their entrepreneurial and innovative mindset to be actors of change and accelerate the social and ecological transition

Students and participants will know how to identify and anticipate issues, to mobilize technologies in a relevant way, to adapt to situations and obtain a general grasp of them in order to imagine and implement creative solutions which are a source of new perspectives for their organisations, the economy and society.

  • each year, ESSEC Business School awards 2,000 diplomas, including 1,600 at the master's level.
  • The high standard of ESSEC's programs is widely recognized by international recruiters.
    98% of Master in Management students are hired within six months of graduation.
  • For participants in ESSEC Executive Education programs, the ESSEC experience is an undeniable boost to their careers


The unique nature of ESSEC's pedagogical model is based on a commitment to combining academic learning with experience and a tradition of innovation that is constantly being renewed. Our ambition is to enable each person to design their own learning path.

To all those who join us, our ambition is to be the true creators of their own educational experience. In virtue of this, we offer a great deal of flexibility in the construction of their learning paths within the different programs. This is the essence of "design learning", which informs the organization of ESSEC's pathways. Whether you are a student or a participant, this concept focuses on a progressive affirmation of your freedom as you refine your future. Personalized learning is established through ongoing dialog with the institution.

Within the Master in Management program, design learning takes shape thanks to a very broad catalog of courses. It is built on the articulation and mutual reinforcement between academic teaching, professional experience and international exposure. During your studies, you will spend at least 18 months in the field, in a company or organization, and nine months overseas. Apprenticeships are a particularly appropriate way to combine the strengths of professional experience with an academic education.

Run jointly by the K-lab and the Dean's Office, the Pedagolab@ESSEC blog aims to experiment, innovate and share ESSEC's methods and tools. The goal: to participate in the transformation of its pedagogy.
