ESSEC Business School is characterized by a pursuit of high standards and a passion for academic excellence in order to offer a unique educational model: a combination of knowledge transmission, academic learning and field experience.
On this last aspect, Career Services department supports ESSEC students in developing key soft skills and exposes them to a variety of real-life situations that are essential for success and motivation around a professional project.
Thanks to these initiatives, our students are fully equipped and ready to enter the world of work from their first interview.
Our job board is the most active among French business schools with more than 42,000 offers available to 7,550 students.
The job offers posted by ESSEC partners benefit from increased visibility not only among students but also among our 71 000 alumni.
Sign in to our dedicated platform, where posting offers is easy and free.
“Our partnership with ESSEC means, first and foremost, contributing to the training of students by involving them in strategic projects at an early stage. It also means introducing them to our corporate culture and our health mission and giving them the impetus and the prospects to become involved with us.”
Learning & Development Director
Urgo Consulting Director
Professional experience
Offering our students assignments and projects within your organization contributes to their education and enables you to identify their capabilities and expectations and to introduce them to your company.
You can also recruit interns at any time throughout the academic year and strengthen your company with our talents from the BBA, Master in Management, Master or MSc programs.