Following a decision dated December 20, 2024, ESSEC Business School is joining the CNRS (French National Center for Scientific Research) and CY Cergy Paris University as the primary supervisory institution of the THEMA research laboratory (UMR 8184). This development marks a new milestone in ESSEC’s commitment to academic excellence and research.
The research conducted at THEMA primarily focuses on economic theory (decision theory, game theory, social choice), applied microeconomics (development and labor economics, public economics, among others), international economics (monetary economics and international trade), as well as finance and marketing.
Currently, 19 ESSEC faculty members are affiliated with THEMA.
ESSEC has been a member of CY Alliance since 2013: this is a partnership led by CY Cergy Paris University, and involves fifteen other local higher education institutions. At the core of this project is the CY Initiative, which was awarded an I-SITE (Initiative Science-Innovation-Territory-Economy) grant by the French government in 2022. Its aim is to contribute to the emergence of a world-class, research-intensive, international higher education cluster and campus in the Cergy region.
CY Alliance is a member of EUTOPIA, one of the 17 winning projects throughout Europe in the “European Universities Initiative”, launched by the European Commission to build a European Education Area. The founding members of EUTOPIA are Vrije Universiteit Brussel, CY Cergy Paris Université, University of Gothenburg, University of Ljubljana, Pompeu Fabra University, and the University of Warwick.
The CY Initiative is a partner of Fulbright, through an annual exchange program which hosts American students, scholars, and researchers in one of the CY Initiative partner establishments, and supports PhD students during their stays in American universities and research institutes.
CY Advanced Studies was created to develop scientific collaborations between its researchers and the international scientific community, in the fields of modeling sciences, experimental sciences, and social sciences. The institute supports the development of ambitious, innovative, and high-level scientific projects through the organization of international scientific events and collaborations with foreign researchers.
Research institutions are increasingly prioritizing ethical issues, gender equality, and the responsible use of data. ESSEC is no exception, and our Behavioral Research Lab and our research projects ensure that researchers consider ethical implications when working with human participants.
Radu Vranceanu, Professor of Economics, was appointed as the ESSEC Referent for the French Office for Research Integrity (OFIS) on January 1st, 2020, for a three-year term.