Leadership & Diversity Chair

Leadership & Diversity Chair

The Chair offers students a specialized program focusing on Diversity and Inclusion which combines theoretical perspectives, practical knowledge acquired from professional presentations in the seminar, and hands-on experience through concrete projects with our partner firm L'Oréal. The objective of the Chair program is to heighten awareness, create experiences, and gain insights on the relationships between leadership, diversity, inclusion and innovation.The Leadership and Diversity Chair is grounded in the idea that understanding and mobilizing diversity is essential for responsible and innovative leadership. It introduces students to current diversity and inclusion issues through seminar sessions with company representatives and diversity champions, and to conceptualize diversity and inclusion as not only a social responsibility, but more importantly as a source of innovation and collective intelligence. It encourages students to develop their own leadership through this knowledge, and also through group projects working with our sponsor firm, L'Oréal.

The leadership of the 21st Century is intimately tied to creating and developing a diverse and inclusive environment that encourages innovation at all levels of the organization. Founded in 2007, the Leadership and Diversity Chair continues to follow this vision alongside its founding partner, L’Oréal. 

« We give voice to the Leaders of tomorrow to develop their vision and to show us new directions for the future ».


Junko Takagi

Chair founder

  • Developing intra- and interpersonal intelligence through getting to know yourself, understanding others and other perspectives through personal development workshops in the Chair seminars.

  • Participating in diversity and inclusion events (eg. LGBT+ roundtable, Refugees and firms, Gender research roundtable) organized by the Chair.

  • Exchanging with business leaders, firms and diversity champions in the Chair seminar

  • Developing your individual leadership journey.

  • Exchanging on intercultural perspectives on leadership, diversity and inclusion.

  • Participating in the study trip,

  • Opportunity to participate in “One Young World Summit.”

Selfie thank you

The Leadership and Diversity Chair creates the possibility for positions in many different domains. We have alumni working in Consulting, Finance, Politics, Entrepreneurship, Digital content manager, Diversity and inclusion officer, Marketing, Human Resource manager, etc.

Duration : 6 months

  • Chair seminar in T2, T3

  • Chair project : T2, T3

essec student presentation
Takagi Junko
Junko Takagi

Head of the Leadership and Diversity Chair

Elisabeth Gozdik

Chair Coordinator

The Chair is open to the students from Cergy, Singapore, and Rabat
