Shaping the Future of Finance Chair

Shaping the Future of Finance Chair

In partnership with AXA IM Alternatives, Eiffel IG and Société Générale Corporate and Investment Banking, the “Shaping the Future of Finance“ Chair is an educational project that seeks to have a transversal view on the forces that are shaping the future financial industry. The Chair gives a particular look at the sustainable finance issues and responsible leadership that are at the core of ESSEC values and pioneering spirit.

Our goals: 

  • To develop knowledge on challenges that shape the future of financial industry

  • To develop partnership with financial institutions engaged in responsible investment

  • To raise awareness on the importance of sustainability in finance

  • To identify the best practices in the financial industry to spread positive changes

  • To promote a long-term view of value creation

The Shaping the Future of Finance Chair is a training for excellence that opens avenues for the best practices in the finance sector.  Founded in 2020, its objective is to provide students with a highly comprehensive vision of the challenges that the financial sector faces and to help develop transversal skills necessary to address the mounting challenges of our times.”

Sofia Ramos and Francis Declerck

ESSEC Chaired Professors

  • To reinforce the competitiveness of the best ESSEC Finance track students in the international job market.

  • To develop advanced skills in partnership with banks and financial institutions.

  • To improve ESSEC students’ visibility for an international career.

groupe picture in front of a campus

ESG Analyst, Capital Strategies for Sustainability Manager, ESG Client Strategies Manager, Responsible Investments Manager, Sustainable Finance Committee Officer, Sustainable Investing Manager, Sustainable Investment Solutions Strategist, Chief of Responsible Investment, Climate Strategist, Sustainable and Impact Investing Officer, Sustainability Manager, Sustainable Equities Officer, Environment & Climate Change Strategist, Fixed Income ESG and Green Research Manager.

  • Field projects with topics given by AXA IM Alts, Eiffel IG and Société Générale 

 Corporate and Investment Banking

  • ESSEC Climate Finance Workshop co-organized with the Amundi Chair

  • Real Estate Finance Day 

  • Job training sessions to Investment Banking and Financial Institutions with London Fox

  • Study Trip

  • Social events with our partners and alumni (visits, networking, dinners, etc.)

happy students

Co-holder of the Chair


Co-holder of the Chair

david boyer

Coordinator of the Chair 

The Chair is open to the students of:
