The Knowledge Lab (K-lab) is a set of state-of-the-art resources, spaces and services designed to support ESSEC Business School’s professors and students. The objective of the K-lab: to elevate pedagogy and research to the highest level. The K-lab's pedagogical engineers, project managers, documentalists-librarians and video production experts can assist you and help create the best working conditions.
They are responsible for acquiring and distributing documentary and pedagogical resources, producing video content, assisting teachers with digital tools and implementing new pedagogical devices.
- More than 295,000 annual visits
- More than 11,500 group work space reservations

- 60 documentary databases for research and education
- 45,000 paper books and ebooks
- Over 100,000 electronic journals
- 2,500 theses or dissertations available online
- 48 MOOCs and more than 700,000 registered users on Coursera
- 2,700 trainees (K-lab workshops and documentary training)
- 175 individual documentary coaching appointment
- 3000 search help questions