
Master in Management (MIM) - Applying with an International Degree

  • Languages

    English, French

  • Duration

    2/3 years (Flexible) | 1 year (Intensive)

  • Next intake

    August 26 & September 11

  • Locations

    Cergy (France), Asia-Pacific (Singapore), Africa (Rabat, Morocco)

  • Ranking

    #5 MIM - Financial Times Ranking (2023)


Established in 1907 and ranked #5 worldwide by the Financial Times (FT) in 2023, the Master in Management (MIM) – Grande Ecole has produced graduates holding notable positions like CEO, Chairman, Managing Directors, Vice Presidents, Entrepreneurs and Founders, Managers, Executives, Consultants, CFO, Directors, Head of Departments, etc.

This program is offered on two distinct tracks, "Intensive" and "Flexible", each tailored to suit the unique needs and aspirations of our students.

Whether you prefer to embrace the journey through flexible learning that allows you to savour diverse experiences at your own rhythm or an intensive fast-track route that propels you into the job market swiftly, we've got you covered. Discover the exciting features of each track and find the one that resonates with your ambitions.




Admitted with an international degree
Average age


The ESSEC Master in Management (MIM) - Grande Ecole program is authorized by the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research to award a recognised BAC+5 degree, Master’s Grade, to its students. Authorisation was delivered following assessment by the National Management Programmes Assessment Commission (Commission d’Evaluation des Formations de Gestion) for a renewable period.


This Commission undertakes assessment for all programs, with or without the Master’s Grade, delivered by business schools that are recognised by the French State to guarantee the quality of teaching delivered and the value of their degree. Since the number of ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) and other requirements to graduate from the program like international and professional experiences are the same for both Intensive and Flexible tracks, therefore, the above recognition is valid for both tracks on both campuses: France and Singapore. 




The academic excellence of ESSEC’s programs is recognized through its international standards in management training, and it holds the prestigious ”Triple Crown'' of accreditations: EQUIS, AACSB, and AMBA. 






ESSEC Business School has been recognized by Campus France and the Ministry of Higher Education and Research for the quality of its international students’ welcome.


The school received the highest level that can be obtained from the "Bienvenue en France" certification, which is the third level.


This certification recognizes the quality of ESSEC's reception in all the criteria provided:

  • The quality and accessibility of information
  • The welcoming of new international students
  • The academic offer
  • Accommodations
  • Campus life
  • The quality of post-graduate follow-up




Flexible Track (2/3 years)

2/3 of the courses chosen by you! Flexibility to design your program and chose from 50+ specializations.


Employability Rate

99% of the graduates who choose to go directly into work find their job within 6 months of graduating. 


Intensive Track

Fast-track validation for students with professional and international experience to access the job market after one-year program. 



With the Flexible Track, build your own academic, professional, and international curriculum each trimester by studying in France, Singapore, Morocco, or around the world. 

Or follow the Intensive Track’s pre-structured, shorter curriculum with the possibility to choose between electives to adapt to your professional project. You have the choice between starting at the ESSEC France campus (in Cergy) or at the ESSEC Asia-Pacific campus (in Singapore). 

Depending on your choice, the curriculum of the first year varies. If you join the Flexible Track, you will then continue your journey on the campus of your choice and around the world.









Sept. to Dec.

*5 Transversal SPOCs (online courses) all around the year

Asian Strategy Consulting Project: Consulting Project with Study Trip validating 1 month of international and professional experience, 1 language course, and Career modules

Refresher courses
Junior Consulting Experience

Jan. to Mar.

Imagination Week

iMagination Week

5 core courses, 2 electives, 1 language course, and Career modules

Business Management in Asia

Corporate Finance

Fintech in Asia

Tech, Innovation & Entrepreneurship 

Apr. to June

4 core courses, 3 electives, and Career modules



July Aug.

CFT* Track (5 electives) or GMA* Track (5 electives), and Career modules

Personalize your program in Singapore, France, Morocco or worldwide

Sept. onward

End of Intensive MiM Track

Flexible MIM continues at ESSEC France, Singapore or Morocco campus

Enjoy all ESSEC has to offer
*Corporate Finance Track or Global Manager in Asia Track











Sept. to Dec.


*5 Transversal SPOCs (online courses) all around the year

3 core courses, 5 electives, 1 language course, and Career modules

Refresher courses

Personalize your program (in France or worldwide)

Jan. to Mar.

iMagination Week 3 core courses, 3 electives, 1 language course, and Career modules

iMagination Week Academic or Professional Experience


Apr. to June

3 core courses, 3 electives, 1 language course and Career modules



July Aug.

Consulting project with study trip validating international and professional experience (at least one month out of France)

Personalize your program in Singapore, France, Morocco or worldwide

Sept. onward

End of Intensive 1-year MIM Track

Flexible 2-3 years MIM Track continues at ESSEC France, Singapore or Morocco campus

Enjoy all ESSEC has to offer


*SPOC: based on RISE Strategy. We are collectively facing major economic, environmental, health, and social challenges that call for action. In this complex period of rapid and profound change, companies, organizations and their leaders have a key role to play in responding to the questions that lie ahead. The business schools that train many of these leaders and influence their practices through research must transform themselves to be aligned with these new needs. You can take 5 SPOCs spanning across the three major themes of the strategy of ESSEC: Sustainability, Artificial Intelligence, and Entrepreneurship.

ESSEC France (Cergy) Campus


  • With the Flexible Track, you start with refresher courses which are geared at bringing your current knowledge to the required level or you can even start core courses of the Master's program if you already have a previous background in management. After that, from trimester 2 onwards, you will personalise your curriculum: next to the following core courses you choose from the many electives (more than 200) that you find interesting.


  • With the Intensive Track, you will have access to online resources to work during the summer to acquire the fundamentals of management courses and be able to start the core courses and electives of the MIM program. You gain the essentials with 3 core courses and 3 to 4 electives each trimester so you have a choice even within a condensed curriculum. You also get to study an additional language right from the first term. 


Exclusively at the ESSEC Singapore Campus, refresher courses are integrated with hands-on business consultancy experience ("Junior Consultant Experience") with respectable firms operating in Asia (Club Med, Sodexo, etc.). From the challenges of social business to entrepreneurial initiatives, you will be able to put your knowledge into practice. 



With both tracks, you validate 9 mandatory core courses which can be taken on either ESSEC campus, as well as a SPOC on Management & Society. 


  • Financial Accounting & Reporting
  • Management Control
  • Business Economics
  • Principles of Finance
  • People & Organizations
  • Marketing Management
  • Strategy & Management
  • Managing IT in Digital Age
  • Operations Management or Law




Students will follow 5 transversal ESSEC strategy core courses aimed at helping them understand the societal challenges of our times and preparing them to become leaders who will make a difference in the world of tomorrow: Responsible Leadership, Company and Climate Change, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Entrepreneurship, Diversity and Inclusion…



Starting in Singapore provides the benefit of guaranteed access to the following exclusive tracks.


  • Flexible Track - Choose a Track in trimesters 2 & 3 after your refresher courses from the following: 


    • Corporate Finance in Asia - This tracks allows you to specialize during your foundation year in a dedicated track where you study major financial concepts, measure the time value of money, structure linear derivatives, etc. 
    • Business Management in Asia - Provides you with a solid foundation for a steep and successful career in Asia: home to a few of the fastest growing and most promising economies in the world
    • Tech, Innovation & Entrepreneurship - Lets you become a part of the Silicon Valley of Asia and bring business ideas to life: ESSEC's partnership with the Action Community of Entrepreneurship (ACE) Singapore and its close proximity to LaunchPad@JTC provide a conducive environment for budding entrepreneurs.
    • FinTech in Asia - This track is oriented towards students wishing to pursue a career linking technology, innovation and finance to provide automated banking, insurance and trading services and risk management, to serve consumers (applications on smartphones…) and to design electronic platforms (crowdfunding, cryptocurrency…)
    • One innovative pedagogical component of the Grande Ecole program is the Asian Strategy Project (ASCP) in partnership with Capgemini Invent. Created seven years ago, this project was implemented with the view to provide a digital transformation strategy, revamping business models to address challenges faced by companies in the Asian region.


  • Intensive Track 


Students choose the Intensive Track to make their mark in the job market as soon as possible. You embark on an intensive and fast-track validation of academic courses throughout the year. However, your experience is not limited to academic curriculum only. In the first term (T1), you continue to immerse yourself into the MIM with consulting project, study trip, iMagination Week, etc. 


One innovative pedagogical component of the Grande Ecole program is the Asian Strategy Project (ASCP) in partnership with Capgemini Invent. Created seven years ago, this project was implemented with the view to provide a digital transformation strategy, revamping business models to address challenges faced by companies in the Asian region.



This week is an important and mandatory pedagogical step in your curriculum. This 4-and-a-half-day program around transdisciplinarity takes place at the beginning of the first year of the Master cycle under the patronage of an alumni of the Grande École program.


It brings together the entire promotion and is the first common event between students from different backgrounds. The week's schedule is intense as well as inspiring, with a series of conferences by international experts and workshops tutored by creative professionals. In groups of 5 students from various backgrounds, you will develop an original point of view based on the year's theme.


The challenge will be to present to your classmates and tutors at the end of the week a unique and visionary project that addresses this issue. To do so, you will apply the principles of creativity and tools of the unique Design Thinking- iMagination method that you will learn and practice throughout the seminar. Your personal commitment will be key to taking full advantage of the time for reflection and questioning that this seminar offers.



200+ elective courses offered in English and in French. All tracks on the Singapore campus are taught entirely in English. Some tracks are offered on both campuses; others are campus-specific.


  • Flexible Track - With the remainder 70% of course requirements, you are free to choose to continue your studies in France or in Singapore or study in an international exchange or double degree. Choose a generalized path or specialize in one particular job or field via the specializations offered. At this point, it is entirely up to you to decide what you study, depending on where your interests lie and what best fits your future career plans. Please note that some specializations on the Cergy campus are taught entirely or partially in French so a grasp of the French language for international students is necessary if they wish to add these courses to their curriculum.


  • Intensive Track - Each trimester, students have the possibility to choose up to 3 or 4 electives from the 200+ electives available in the MIM program. While acquiring the base with core business courses, students specialise at the same time to give an edge to their academic curriculum.



Specializations offered

Sustainability & Impact

  • Global ESSEC Circular Economy Chair
  • Chaire Entrepreneuriat et Innovation à impact | Taught in French
  • Chaire ESSEC Talents de la transition écologique | Taught in French

Finance and Economics

  • Corporate Finance in Asia Track
  • Economics Track | Taught in English and in French
  • ESSEC-ISUP Risk & Actuarial Track (To qualify as an ‘Actuary’ of Institut des Actuaires)
  • Finance Track (In partnership with the CFA) | Taught in English and in French
  • Financial Markets in Asia Track
  • Fintech in Asia Track
  • Shaping the future of Finance Chair in partnership with AXA IM Alts

Entrepreneurship & Innovation

  • Entrepreneurship Track | Taught in English and in French
  • Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Sustainability in Asia Track
  • Filière Entreprendre en Afrique | Taught in French
  • The ESSEC Ventures Incubator

Digital Business

  • Accenture Strategic Business Analytics Chair
  • Digital Disruption Chair by BNP Paribas
  • Information Strategy and Governance Chair
  • Chaire de Grande Consommation | Taught in French
  • Chaire Media & Digital | Taught in French

Health, Food and Sport

  • ESSEC Sports Chair
  • Food Business Challenges Chair
  • Innovation and Health Chair,
  • Innovation in Health Option
  • Chaire Innovation et Santé, Option systèmes de santé | Taught in French

IT, Data & Operations

  •  Business Analytics Methods Track
  • Information Systems Track
  • Operations Management Track | Taught in English and in French
  • Operations Management in Asia Track 


  • Leading a Beauty Brand Chair
  • The LVMH Chair: Future of Luxury

Management & Consulting

  • Asian Strategy Consulting Project (Track)
  • Business Management in Asia Track
  • Global Manager in Africa Track
  • Global Manager in Asia Track
  • Filière Conseil en Stratégie | Taught in French

Public & Private Policy

  • Real Estate - The RICS Track
  • Real Estate & Sustainable Development Chair | Taught in English and in French
  • Chaire d'Economie Urbaine | Taught in French
  • Filière Affaires publiques – préparation aux concours de la fonction publique | Taught in French
  • Filière Cursus Droit | Taught in French
  • Filière Géopolitique, défense et leadership | Taught in French
  • Filière Géopolitique et négociation | Taught in French
  • Filière Immobilier-RICS | Taught in French

Financial reporting, audit & strategic management control

  • Chartered Institute of Management Control CIMA Track
  • Consulting, Finance & Organization – CFO Track | Taught in English and in French
  • Cursus DSCG (Diplôme Supérieur de Comptabilité et de Gestion) | Taught in French

 Management & Society

  • Global Circular Economy Chair
  • Leadership & Diversity Chair
  • Management & Philosophy Track
  • Management & Society Track
  • Chaire ICP-ESSEC Entreprises et bien commun | Taught in French
  • Filière Philosophie et Stratégie pour l’innovation responsable | Taught in French


You also have to study a foreign language during your time at the school. If you do not speak French, you will take a mandatory French language course. You are also free to study additional languages: German, Arabic, Mandarin, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Brazilian, Portuguese, and Russian.



A Chair is a partnership established between our faculty (teaching staff) and one or several corporate sponsors. The objectives of a Chair are to develop and support research in a particular area of expertise, encourage and facilitate networking opportunities and exchanges, and - more importantly - provide skills and experience to train future leaders in the field. In other words, train you! 


As part of the Chair, you will be able to follow elective courses, take part in seminars, visit and meet up with companies, get access to a whole range of internship offers, attend and help organise conferences, go on study trips… and network! 


Some of the Chairs offered at ESSEC Business School:  ESSEC Sports Chair, Accenture Strategic Business Analytics Chair, Food Business Challenges Chair, LVMH Chair - The future of Luxury…


To really be competitive in the job market as a young graduate, you will already be up-and-running and ready to go having had a minimum of 12 months of work experience. Whether you acquired it during the program with the Flexible Track or you already applied to the Intensive Track with a prior validated professional experience of 12 months accumulated by June 30, 2024, you are set to enhance your employability. ESSEC Business School provides career support and guidance to students and alumni alike.


  • With the Flexible Track, if you have relevant work experience prior to joining the program, you have the option to use this as credit. Whatever your career aspirations regarding the field you want to work in, the type of job you take on, the length of your contracts, or even the location, you will have the flexibility to choose from or mix and match several options:


    • Apprenticeship - In 1993, ESSEC Business School was the first business school in France to offer apprenticeship programs to its students as an opportunity for them to gain valuable professional experience. Apprenticeship contracts at ESSEC Business School are accepted on the condition that the content of the assignment and the financial stipulations with the company have been validated by ESSEC Business School prior to the start date of the contract. 

      An apprenticeship is a special way for students to acquire professional experience within the program, where you alternate study at ESSEC and work at a company at the same time. Different 'rhythms' of alternating are possible. Some students do it on a weekly basis: they work for 3 days and study at ESSEC for 2 days per week. Others have a quarterly basis, where they work for 3 months, followed by 3 months of studying, etc. 

      Another advantage of apprenticeship is that you follow the course free of tuition fee for the whole duration of the program. Other tuition charges may apply. The company also pays you a salary each month. 

    • Internships - The classic route where depending on the company and type of job role, you will spend 1 longer period of time in 1 company as an intern or a trainee manager or if you prefer you can look to spend several shorter stints in various companies.

    • Work contracts - You may be lucky enough to go straight into paid employment on a fixed term (CDD) or even a permanent (CDI) contract or graduate scheme

    • Creating your own company - With the Flexible Track, students can validate their professional experience by creating their own company, helped by ESSEC's incubators, ESSEC Ventures and Antropia ESSEC. 

    • VIE-VIA - This is an international volunteer program only available to EU citizens under the age of 28. The positions are more like real jobs and can be based in embassies and cultural centers or in overseas branches of large companies in a wide range of sectors.



  • Intensive Track - This track provides an opportunity to have a special 1-month international professional experience. Please note that you will not be able to sign an apprenticeship contract while joining the Intensive Track. 



LE NAGARD Emmanuelle


Prof. Emmanuelle LE NAGARD

Academic Director of the Master in Management (MIM) - Grande Ecole program 

Professor, Marketing Department 

Doctorate in Management, HEC Paris, HDR, Université Paris Dauphine - PSL 

Arijit Chatterjee EMBA Asia



Associate Academic Director, Master in Management (MIM) - Grande Ecole program 

Professor of Management, ESSEC Business School (Cergy - Singapore) 

Ph.D. in Business Administration (Penn State University, USA)


Executive Director, Master in Management (MIM) - Grande Ecole program One-Year Track 

A resolutely international experience

With our 11 international double degrees, you will be fully immersed in another culture and country, will acquire two sets of competencies and will experience two ways of learning. 


  • Australia: UQ Business School, University of Queensland
  • Canada: Queen's University, Queen's School of Business
  • China: Guanghua School of Management, Peking University
  • Germany: University of Mannheim, Mannheim Business School 
  • India: Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad
  • Italy: Università Luigi Bocconi, Bocconi Graduate School 
  • Japan: Keio Business School, Keio Univeristy 
  • Mexico: EGADE, ITESM, EGADE Business School
  • Singapore: Nanyang Business School, Nanyang Technological University
  • South Korea: Graduate School of Business, Seoul National University
  • South Korea: Graduate School of International Studies, Seoul National University



With our International Exchange Programs, spend a semester or two at one of our 105 partner universities worldwide and not only have the time of your life and open yourself up personally but know what it is like to study in another prestigious institution with a different way of doing and seeing things.

ESSEC currently has exchange agreements in 35 different countries with the best business schools around the world where you are sure to find what you are looking for! You have the possibility: to spend a period in the exchange partner university program and gain 2 to 6 months of international experience to choose elective courses from the catalog of the MBA/Master programs to get an opportunity to strengthen your field of specialization to do the exchange with no additional tuition fees. 


As soon as you have cleared certain courses, you can apply to go on an exchange for 1 or 2 semesters depending on the school and available places and therefore enrich your international experience even further.


ESSEC Business School has been awarded the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education 2021-2027



A dual degree is when you study two different disciplines and receive two separate degrees (one per discipline). Additional tuition fees are incurred.


ESSEC Business School has formed a partnership with the Fung Institute of Engineering Leadership at UC Berkeley College of Engineering and offers students a dual degree with the internationally-renowned Californian university. This course leads to both the ESSEC MIM degree and a Master of Engineering from UC Berkeley.


This partnership will permit students with a scientific background to complete the 1-year Master of Engineering program from UC Berkeley (August to June) after the completion of the Master in Management (MIM) - Grande Ecole. This training will permit ESSEC students to benefit from a new interdisciplinary management-engineering approach, with the Berkeley program including leadership bootcamps, a technical specialization, and project experience. 


This dual degree offers increased career opportunities, in particular in the United States and in Silicon Valley. After receiving the degree, a residence permit for a two-year stay in the United States may be granted.



ESSEC Business School and Carnegie Mellon University's Tepper School of Business, two leading international business schools, announced a new dual degree program. Upon completion of the program, students will receive two degrees: the Master in Management (MIM) from ESSEC and the Master of Science in Business Analytics (MSBA) from the Tepper School.


The program will take a minimum of two academic years to complete, with students spending at least one academic year at each school, plus internships. Students will study in the Paris suburb of Cergy while enrolled at ESSEC and in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania while enrolled at the Tepper School. 


This strategic collaboration leverages the strengths and expertise of these two prestigious institutions to foster innovation, cross-cultural exchange, and excellence in business education. The partnership also facilitates academic collaboration, and student exchanges, building students’ understanding of the evolving needs of the global business landscape.


ESSEC’s MIM program provides a solid foundation of general management knowledge and aims to equip the next generation of leaders to handle the major challenges facing businesses, organizations and society. The Tepper School’s MSBA program is a STEM-designated program for students to sharpen their business expertise and creative problem-solving skills by analyzing data to make smarter decisions for their company or organization. ESSEC students who graduate from the MSBA program may be eligible to work in the United States for a certain amount of time under the Optional Practical Training (OPT) initiative. 


Both schools share a commitment to fostering diversity, equity, and inclusion in business education. The partnership will prioritize creating an inclusive learning environment that embraces students from diverse backgrounds, perspectives, and cultures while preparing them to become ethical and responsible global leaders.



Multi-campus experience - Study at one or all of our ESSEC Business School campuses in France (Cergy, Paris area), Singapore and Morocco (Rabat) to get a taste of management training in European, Asian and African contexts and build up professional networks on both continents.

Discover our campuses facilities by visiting the "Campus Life" tab! 


Over the years, successive classes of students at ESSEC Business School have founded and managed more than 100 clubs and organizations, with a wide variety of themes: sports, cultural, humanitarian, international or civic, there is something for everyone!

These organizations, often founded and managed by the students themselves, aim to foster student life, promote the school's values, develop students' professional skills, and contribute to the social and cultural life of the campus.


ESSEC Paris-Cergy Campus

ESSEC's historic campus is located in the city of Cergy, about 30 km northwest of Paris. The campus covers more than seven hectares and offers modern and spacious facilities. It includes several buildings, a library, a gymnasium inaugurated in 2023, as well as areas for relaxing between classes. 

Find out more about ESSEC's Paris-Cergy Campus

ESSEC Asia-Pacific Campus, Singapore

ESSEC's Asia-Pacific Campus, which was inaugurated in 2015, is located in Singapore, Asia, a dynamic city-state known for its thriving business environment and multicultural population. The campus is located in the heart of the city, close to major business centers and commercial areas.

Find out more about ESSEC's Asia-Pacific Campus

ESSEC Africa Campus, Rabat

The ESSEC Africa Campus, which was inaugurated in 2017, is located on the Plage des Nations site in Sidi Bouknadel, 25 minutes outside the Moroccan capital. It offers students a stimulating learning environment with modern facilities such as classrooms equipped with the latest technology, group work spaces and student residences.

Find out more about the ESSEC Africa Campus

found their first job before graduation
in less than 6 months
of graduates hold a CSR-oriented position
of working graduates hold an international position

Graduates of the Master in Management (MIM) - Grande Ecole pursue their careers in a wide range of sectors and functions.




  • 36% - Consulting

  • 19% - Management & Finance 

  • 10% - Marketing & Communications 

  • 20% - Health, Food, Sports, Luxury, Business Law, Sustainability, NGOs, Government and Public Administration, etc

  • 15% - Others
  • Management/Risk Management

  • Consulting/Audit

  • Corporate Strategy

  • Data Scientist/Business Analyst

  • Corporate Finance/Financial Markets/Asset Management

  • Legal, Risk and Compliance

  • Accounting/Management Control

  • Marketing/Sales/Business Development

  • Operations Management/Purchasing/Logistics

  • Project Management

  • Sustainable Development/CS


AB InBev, Accenture, Accor, Accuracy, Action against Hunger, adelphi, adidas AG, Advancy, Aerotek, Agicap, Agoranov, Air France, Air Liquide, Airbnb, Allianz France, Alstom, Altarea, Altman Solon, Alvarez & Marsal, Amazon, Ardian, Arkema, Armani Beauty - L'Oréal Group, Artcurial, Artefact, AstraZeneca, Aviva Investors, AXA Investment Managers (AXA IM), AXA Partners, B Lab France, Back Market, Bain & Company, Bank of America, Bank of China@Luxembourg, Banque Centrale Populaire, Barclays, BearingPoint, BlaBlaCar, BNP Paribas, Boston Consulting Group (BCG), Bouygues Telecom, Bpifrance, Breitling, BVLGARI, Byredo, Bytedance, Cake Entertainment, Capgemini, Carrefour, CBRE Valuation, CHANEL SAS, ChangeNOW, Chevron Corporation, China Construction Bank, China Life Pension, Chivas Brothers International Limited, Christian Dior Couture, Club Med, Contentsquare, Crédit Agricole CIB, Credit Suisse, Criteo, Cubyn, Danone, Dataiku, Deliveroo, Deloitte, Dermalogica Gmbh, Deutsche Bank, Dmall Life Digital Technology Ltd, Doctolib, Eiffel Investment Group, Ekimetrics, ENGIE, Ernst & Young (EY), ESL Gaming GmbH, Estée Lauder, Euler Hermes, Eurofins, Euronews, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), ExxonMobil, EY-PARTHENON, F1, Fabernovel, Ferrero France, Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, Galeries Lafayette, Generali Real Estate, Gilead Sciences, GlaxoSmithKline, Goldman Sachs, Google, Group Vivendi Africa, Hana Group, Heidrick & Struggles, Hermès, Hilton, HSBC Global Asset Management, Hublot CH, IBM, Imerys, Imperial Brands, Indeed, International Finance Corporation (IFC) - World Bank Group, Invest India, Ipsen Consumer HealthCare, IQVIA, J.P. Morgan, Jiangsu Hengrui Pharmaceuticals, JobTeaser, Kea & Partners, Kearney, KKR, KPMG, L’Oréal, Lagardere Travel Retail, Linklaters LLP, LVMH, makesense, ManoMano, Mars & Co, Mazars, McKinsey & Company, Merck, METRO, Moët Hennessy Diageo, Monitor Deloitte, Monoprix, Morgan Stanley, N26 Gmbh, Natixis, Nielsen, Nomura International, Novartis, Novo Nordisk, NTT DATA, Ogilvy, Oliver Wyman, Orange, Parfums Christian Dior, PayFit, PayinTech, Pernod Ricard, Philips, Porsche Consulting GmbH, PrestaShop, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Procter & Gamble, Publicis Sapient, Renault SAS, Revolut, Robert Bosch GmbH, Roland Berger, Rothschild & Co, SAP, Schneider Electric Industries SAS, Schroders, SCOR Investment Partners, Servier, SFR, SHISEIDO, Sia Partners, Snap Group SAS, SNCF Voyageurs, Société Générale, Spotify, Strategy&, Stuart - SRT France, SUEZ, Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation (SMBC), Swarovski, Swicorp, Swiss Life Asset Managers France,Sysco France, Thales, The Adecco Group, The Economist Intelligence Unit (The EIU), The United Nations, Tikehau Investment Management, TOTAL, Transaction R&Co, Trivago, Twitch France, Ubisoft, UBS, UN Women, Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield, Urgo, Valeo, Veolia, VINCI, VMware, Voltalia, Voodoo, Wavestone, Webhelp, Welcome to the Jungle, White & Case, Wooclap, Yidu Tech, Yves Rocher…


This recruitment fair brings together around hundred companies. You will establish contacts with companies from all sectors of activity, such as: Air Liquide, Amazon, Bouygues, Carrefour, Ekimetrics, Groupe Casino, Henkel, L’Oréal, LVMH, Metro, Orange, Saint-Gobain, Groupe TF1, Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield, Unilever, Vinci, etc.



This fair brings together start-ups for a pitch and speed recruiting day.



During this recruitment fair you will establish exceptional contacts with consulting firms such as: Accenture, Accuracy, Bain & Company, BearingPoint, BCG, Capgemini Invent, KPMG, Mazars, McKinsey & Company, Roland Berger, Wavestone, etc.



During this recruitment fair you will establish exceptional contacts with financial institutions such as: Ardian, AXA, BNP Paribas, Bpifrance, Candriam, Centerview Partners, Crédit Agricole CIB, Hines, Moody’s, ODDO BHF, Qonto, Rothschild & co, Société Générale, UBS, etc.



Career guidance and advice

Throughout your time at ESSEC Business School, the Career Services will accompany you in defining your career plan and facilitating your entry into the professional world.

Through the support of the Career Services team, you will be able to:

  • Learn more about yourself and enhance your experiences.
  • Explore career opportunities, reflect and develop your personal and professional project.
  • Define your internship/job search strategy and prepare yourself for numerous recruitment events through coaching with specialists
  • Prepare your CV, LinkedIn profile and cover letter in an impactful manner, and develop your network efficiently.
  • Prepare for different types of job interviews through role-playing exercises (pitching) and learn to position yourself well during salary negotiations.
Each year, there are:
  • 17 000 exclusive job postings : internships, apprenticeships and jobs.
  • 430+ meetings with recruiters based in France and all around the world : job fairs, company presentations and case studies.
  • 4 000+ individual appointments with career consultants.
  • Access to 5 learning platforms and 40+ articles, training and self-teaching modules
  • 164 career related workshops.

When you join ESSEC Business School, you join a community and will discover the power of the ESSEC network.


ESSEC Alumni already has 71,000 graduates with diverse profiles dispersed in all corners of the world. With unique personalities, they share a common goal: to achieve their career objectives. As you enter ESSEC, you become a member of ESSEC Alumni and you remain one forever. This is the lifetime membership, that ESSEC has been the first French Business School with a global reach to put in place.


ESSEC Alumni is by your side at every stage of your career:


When you are a student, to guide you in finding professional opportunities through the network, exchanging with graduates, benefiting from various services to launch your start-up, and staying up to date with the latest news from the ESSEC community.

When you are a graduate, to support you throughout your professional life, help you develop your network and exchange with your peers, guide you in benefiting from services for your start-up, and allow you to rediscover the atmosphere of your ESSEC years.



Since its creation, ESSEC has always cultivated a spirit of entrepreneurship and innovation, which lies at the very core of its educational approach, research, and managerial practices.


  • ESSEC Ventures is a structure that supports ESSEC students with business projects. It consists of an incubator, a talent incubator, and a seed fund. It also organizes numerous events bringing together entrepreneurs and investors.


  • ESSEC Antropia is a structure that supports ESSEC students with social enterprise projects so that social, environmental, and economic considerations can come together to create a better world.



You will need to provide:

  • 1 Management test score - mandatory
  • 1 English test score - mandatory. The English test is not required if the applicant has spent at least 3 years in a higher education program completely taught in English. In that case, please provide us an official certificate with the mention that the medium of instruction is English



Additional information


GMAT Exam, GMAT, GMAT Online or GMAT Focus Edition

5 years

Select 'ESSEC Business School-Master in Management (MIM) - Grande Ecole'

GRE, GRE Test at Home (Verbal Reasoning, Quantitative Reasoning and Analytical Writing) 

5 years

Institution Code: 0839


2 years



1 year

For Indian applicants 


TOEIC Listening and Reading


The English tests must not be older than 2 years at the application deadline (application round you choose to apply in) 


Minimum score 850

IELTS Academic

Minimum score 6.5

TOEFL iBT, TOEFL iBT Special at Home Edition

Minimum score 95 - Institution Code: 0520

Cambridge B2 First minimum

Minimum score 175


*The tests must be valid at the time of the closing of the application session.


It can take several months to prepare and register for an exam slot for these tests. Keep this in mind before starting your application as, without these test scores uploaded in your application file, it will be incomplete. To increase your chance of being accepted into the program, a competitive is required. To get feedback on your score, please get in touch with us via the "Contact us" button! 


Click here to take the GMAT Quiz and get an estimate of your score. Please note that you cannot apply with a GMAT Quiz score.



Create your candidate account. You can fill in the online application at your own pace and come back to it at any point. You can only apply once per program each academic year.

Once validated, your campus choice is final.



All documents must be provided in English or French. Official translations by a certified translator will also have to be provided for documents in other languages. Incomplete applications will not be processed

A complete online application includes the following items:




Curriculum vitae (CV)

One page maximum 

High school diploma or equivalent

Authenticated copy of the diploma or transcripts

Degree(s) obtained

Authenticated copies of official degrees since high school (school leaving).

While applying, if you do not have your final diploma that makes you eligible for the program, you can apply with an Enrollment Certificate with an expected date of graduation.

Important: By mid-December of your starting year at ESSEC, you will have to provide a copy of your final diploma (or a certificate of completion/attendance).

Enrolment Certificate for the current year

If you are currently a student

Transcripts/Grade Sheets

Authenticated Copies of official transcripts from all colleges and universities, including exchange programs (simple copies will not be accepted). 

Grading System details must be provided.

2 x Recommendations

One academic and one professional reference is recommended.

It is the applicant's responsibility to enter details of both the referees as soon as possible to allow them to complete the online recommendation on time.

Once you enter their details and save, a link is sent to them immediately to fill out the recommendation online.

1 Management Test

Copy of official score (test takers' version). Screenshot is acceptable for GMAT online and GMAT Focus (with all mandatory information visible in only one single screenshot: 'personal informations' on the left of the screen and all scores). You can try to zoom out your screen for a valid screenshot.



1 English Test

Copy of official score (test takers' version). Exemption is possible if you have completed at least 3 years of full-time studies (undergraduate and/or graduate level) entirely in English, at an accredited university or institution of higher education.
In this case, in Supporting Documents Section under English Test, you must upload an authenticated document (e.g. certificate, mark sheet, etc.) stating the language of instruction. Screenshots, commercial documents, etc. will be rejected.

Proof of Employment
(for the Intensive 1-year Track only)

On the online application portal, the applicant must upload:

All the supporting documents in PDF format such as a certificate from the employer, the president of the association or the head of the school, stating the tasks carried out along with the dates. A translation is required if the original document is not written in English or French. 

1 Identity Card

Passport, or National Identity Card (only for EU students) 

1 Photograph

A recent ID photo

Application Fee


180 euros non-refundable and payable online only

Exempted for holders of B2M Alliance Passport (ESSEC Business School, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), IE Business School, Smith School of Business - Queen's University at Kingston, Mannheim Business School, Warwick Business School) 

Am I exempted from application fee payment?



There are several rounds of applications. Once you have submitted your application online you cannot make changes to your application.


  • Each part of your application will be thoroughly studied.
  • You will be notified via email. 
  • Then you can access the result via the application portal
  • Please be aware that the Admissions Jury reserves the right to consider the transfer of your application to the Flexible Track should your profile align more suitably with the flexible study pace or if your prior professional experience does not meet the qualifications required for the Intensive Track.


Am I a part of an automatic shortlisting partnership program?





  • Master Droit et contentieux de l’Union Européenne (LL.M.)
  • Master Droit bancaire et financier européen (LL.M.)
  • Master European and International Tax Law (LL.M.)
  • M2 European Business Law

One of your letters of recommendation comes from the Director of your Master's Degree program

B2M Alliance


  • The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology (HKUST) - School of Business & Management
  • IE Business School
  • Queen’s University at Kingston – Smith School of Business
  • University of Mannheim Business School
  • Warwick Business School

Holders of B2M Passport delivered by student’s current institution


Shortlisted applicants will be contacted for an interview via videoconference.


The objective of this 45-minute interview is:

  • To understand you better: your personality and your values
  • To evaluate your professional and personal project and its coherence with the program



The jury will then deliberate on your overall application and decisions will be submitted to the Program Director and ESSEC Admissions Jury. You will be notified about the admission result by email (refer to the above-mentioned timetable). 


If you have been successful, you will then be contacted by the Admissions Office to inform you how to confirm your place in the program. 

Check your results



Following your admission, make sure to secure your seat in the program by paying the non-refundable deposit within 2 weeks. This amount will be deducted from your tuition fee. Please visit the "Financing" tab. 




You need more information to prepare your application? Please refer to this link for insights on our application portal. 




Valid for 2024 intake for France and Singapore Campuses


EU Citizens

NON-EU Citizens

Total Tuition




The non-refundable deposit is payable within two weeks from the day of admission and is deducted from the total tuition



Remaining Tuition Fee

The remaining tuition fee is payable before August 31st of the academic year



Service Fee

The service fee is payable once in addition to the total tuition fee before joining ESSEC (irrespective of the duration of the program)




Valid for 2024 intake for France and Singapore Campuses


EU Citizens

NON-EU Citizens

Total Tuition




The non-refundable deposit is payable within two weeks from the day of admission and is deducted from the total tuition fee



Remaining Tuition Fee (1)

The remaining tuition fee is payable before August 31st of the first academic year



Remaining Tuition Fee (2)

The remaining tuition fee is payable before August 31st of the second academic year



 Service Fee

The service fee is payable once in addition to the total tuition fee before joining ESSEC (irrespective of the duration of the program)






DESCRIPTION: To sustain the academic excellence of the program. 

ELIGIBILITY: All international candidates demonstrating high quality academic profile: outstanding GMAT score, strong motivation, etc. 

AMOUNT: Can cover up to 40% of total tuition fees. 

PROCEDURE: Awarded with the admission decision at each session of admission. No additional application or request. 


DESCRIPTION: To sustain diversity of student body. 

ELIGIBILITY: Be a citizen of all countries (except France). 

AMOUNT: Up to 25% of total tuition fees. 

PROCEDURE: Awarded with the admission decision at each session of admission.
No additional application or request. 




DESCRIPTION: The French Ministry of Foreign Affairs funds EIFFEL scholarship. 

ELIGIBILITY: Reserved for non-French candidates, double nationality included, no older than 30 years old at the time the selection committee will meet (around mid-March). 

AMOUNT: A monthly allowance of €1,181 and covered costs of one international return journey and social security cover. 

PROCEDURE: ESSEC submits applications for EIFFEL scholarships on your behalf. Your application should be completed and submitted therefore in the first round of applications. 


DESCRIPTION: A platform to channel the influence of Lebanese finance executives worldwide in order to establish stronger bonds, nurture the next generation and promote Lebanon. 


  • Be Lebanese or of Lebanese descent
  • Achieve and maintain academic excellence
  • Demonstrate interest in pursuing a career in Finance
  • Be in financial need

AMOUNT: Up to 12 000$ per year for the duration of the academic program.  

PROCEDURE: ESSEC submits applications for LIFE scholarships on your behalf.   


DESCRIPTION: The French-American Chamber of Commerce (FACC) provides aspiring young leaders with invaluable learning opportunities that will help expand their career opportunities, promote cross-cultural dialogue and improve foreign language skills. 

ELIGIBILITY: American citizen 

AMOUNT: Up to $10,000 

PROCEDURE: For more information and deadlines to apply Serge Bellanger Scholarship 


DESCRIPTION: The ESSEC USA Alumni International Leadership Award Philippe Mathe Fellowship is a merit-based scholarship. It is not mutually exclusive of any other scholarship obtained by the candidate. 

ELIGIBILITY: Graduates from a US or Canadian University. 

AMOUNT: €5,000 



DESCRIPTION: The Lee Kuan Yew (LKY) Scholarship is the premier postgraduate scholarship in Singapore. Set up in 1991, the scholarship marks Singapore's continuous effort to recognize outstanding individuals with the aptitude and inclination to contribute to Singapore and its society.

ELIGIBILITY: Candidates holding Singaporean citizenship will undergo a comprehensive evaluation on their leadership potential and accomplishments in their respective fields. Candidates should also demonstrate the potential to thrive in their professions, ultimately contributing to Singapore and its advancement. 

AMOUNT: Scholarship recipients will receive full tuition fees coverage and an annual allowance of S$50,000 for up to 2 years if they are pursuing a Master’s degree. 

PROCEDURE: Candidates can apply via the Public Service Commission Portal (Singpass login required). All applications will need to be supported by referee reports and submitted online by 10 March 2024. 


If you are a CROUS scholarship holder enrolled in the Master in Management (MIM) - Grande Ecole program, you are entitled to a discount on your tuition for the current year depending on the level of your CROUS scholarship. Please note that €2,170 of enrolment and academic contributions fee/service fee is not included.


Only those students who follow the Flexible Track of the Master in Management can carry out an Apprenticeship which is an opportunity to acquire professional experience. In addition to this, it also provides a means to finance your studies should you manage to sign a contract.


scholarship global bba international

Student Loans

As an ESSEC student, you can take out a preferential-rate bank loan, which covers full tuition and is repaid starting at the end of your first year of work.


ESSEC has developed a partnership with major French bank branches located in Cergy (LCL, BNP Paribas and Société Générale) to give you special terms and conditions. 


Loan applicants are required to have a guarantor living in France. According to the banks, the guarantor must earn enough to cover the monthly loan payments but also be a French citizen, a close family member and/or both. Additional fees and expenses will be the responsibility of the student.




International Students from 150 different nationalities admitted to the program may apply to Prodigy Finance loans. Contrary to the banks in France and Singapore, Prodigy does not require a collateral or co-signer. These loans are granted based on the student's future earning potential and do not take into account credit history.


Students may apply online on the Prodigy website. There is no hidden fee or early repayment fee. Interest rates may vary depending on individual profiles. Funds are directly disbursed to the school in euro (€) so no exchange rates are borne by the student. Disbursement starts from September and loan application processing time may go up to a month and a half. The sooner you apply, the better.


We advise you to read carefully the Prodigy website to check your eligibility before applying.



Many US citizens or permanent residents opt to take out the US Federal Stafford and private Sallie Mae loans. These loans can cover up to the full cost of attendance and all applicants having a co-signer in the US are eligible for these loan programs. ESSEC is listed as “ESSEC Business School", and has a code number of G30959.



On-campus missions

ESSEC employs its students in a wide variety of functions which can help towards everyday living costs. These are part time short-term contracts in for example taking up the role of a student ambassador, assisting teachers, carrying out market research, helping out at conferences and events, contributing to social media, etc.





Campus France India Tour | Mumbai, Chandigarh, Delhi, Hyderabad, Bangalore

Join our international recruitment officer Annegret SCHULZ and discover our Master's programs!

10:00 - 00:00 | Mumbai, Chandigarh, Delhi, Hyderabad, Bangalore




COLFUTURO Connect Live

Join our International Recruitment Officer Angelica PINZON and discover our Master's programs!

15:00 - 18:00 | Online




Discover Master's QS | Frankfurt

Join our international recruitment officer Zoë JOFEH and discover our Master's programs!

17:00 - 20:30 | Frankfurt, Germany




Studentefoire 2024 | Luxembourg

Join our international recruitment officer Florian TRANZEAT and discover our Master's programs!

09:00 - 18:00 |




E-fellows | Cologne

Join our international recruitment officer Florian TRANZEAT and discover our Master's programs!

10:00 - 17:00 | Cologne, Germany




Discover Master's QS | Lisbon

Join our international recruitment officer Zoë JOFEH and discover our Master's programs!

15:00 - 00:00 | Lisbon, Portugal




Discover Master's QS | Madrid

Join our international recruitment officer Zoë JOFEH and discover our Master's programs!

17:00 - 20:30 |




Discover Master's QS | Taipei

Join our international recruitment officer Xinzi YANG (Céline) and discover our Master's programs!

08:30 - 14:00 | Taipei, Taiwan




Discover Master's QS | Shanghai

Join our international recruitment officer Xinzi YANG (Céline) and discover our Master's programs!

07:00 - 11:00 | Shanghai, China




Perspectives Grandes Ecoles | Lyon

Join Christelle Rouvière and discover our Master's Degree Programs!

09:00 - 17:00 | Centre de Congrès, Lyon, France




Discover Master's QS | Beijing

Join our international recruitment officer Xinzi YANG (Céline) and discover our Master's programs!

08:30 - 14:30 | Beijing, China




MyBS | Leuven

Join our international recruitment officer Zoë JOFEH and discover our Master's programs! Leuven 

12:00 - 19:00 | Leuven, Belgium




GMAC Master's Fair | Stockholm

Join our international recruitment officer Florian TRANZEAT and discover our Master's programs!

15:00 - 17:30 | Stockholm, Sweden




MyBS | Ghent

Join our international recruitment officer Zoë JOFEH and discover our Master's programs!

22:00 | Ghent, Belgium




QS Masters | Bangkok

Join our international recruitment officer Johnny LIANG and discover our Master's programs!

12:00 - 18:00 | Bangkok, Thailand




The Master's Tour, GMAC | Paris

Join Zoë JOFEH and Florian TRANZEAT and discover our Master's Degree Programs.

14:00 - 16:30 | Paris, France




Europosgrados | Mexico City

Join our International Recruitment Officer Angelica PINZON and discover our Master's programs!

13:00 - 18:00 | Mexico City, Mexico




Studyrama : Le Salon des Grandes Ecoles | Paris

Meet Stéphanie Colson-Leclerc et Christelle Rouvière and discover our Bachelor's and Master's Degree Programs!

09:30 - 17:30 | Paris, France




Focéen | Marseille

Join Christelle Rouvière and discover our Master's Degree Programs!

10:00 - 14:30 | Parc Chanot, Marseille, France




Europosgrados | León

Join our International Recruitment Officer Angelica PINZON and discover our Master's programs!

15:00 - 20:00 | León, Mexico




Forum Toulouse Technologies | Toulouse

Join Natalia Jaime and discover our Master's Degree Programs!

09:30 - 18:00 | Centre de Congrès Pierre Baudis, Toulouse, France




QS Masters | Manila

Join our international recruitment officer Johnny LIANG and discover our Master's programs!

17:30 | Manila, Philippines




Le Monde : Le Salon des Grandes Ecoles | Paris

Meet Stéphanie Colson-Leclerc, Christelle Rouvière, and Florian Tranzeat and discover our Bachelor's & Master's Degree Programs!

09:00 - 18:00 | Paris Montreuil Expo, Paris, France




GMAC Master's Fair | London

Join our international recruitment officer Zoë JOFEH and discover our Master's programs! 

12:00 - 14:30 | London, UK




SEF Morocco | Casablanca

Join our international recruitment officer Meryem EL HASNAOUI and discover our Master's programs!

09:00 - 17:00 | Casablanca, Morocco




QS Masters | Ho Chi Minh City

Join our international recruitment officer Johnny LIANG and discover our Master's programs!

15:00 - 18:30 | Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam




QS Masters | Hanoi

Join our international recruitment officer Johnny LIANG and discover our Master's programs!

15:00 - 18:30 | Hanoi, Vietnam




Forum Atlantique | Nantes

Meet Florian TRANZEAT and discover our Master's Degree Programs!

09:00 - 18:00 | Cité de Congrès de Nantes, Nantes, France




RDV des Transformations du droit - Village de la Justice | Paris

Meet our team and discover our Master's Degree Programs.

09:00 - 18:00 | Cité des Sciences La Villette, Paris, France




SEF | Tunis

Join our international recruitment officer Meryem EL HASNAOUI and discover our Master's programs!

09:00 - 17:00 | Tunis, Tunisia




Le Monde : "Les journées d'orientation: Admissions parallèles, prépas" | Paris

Meet Stéphanie Colson-Leclerc et Christelle Rouvière and discover our Bachelor's and Master's Degree Programs!

09:00 - 18:00 | Paris, France




Discover Master's QS | New Delhi

Join our international recruitment officer Annegret SCHULZ  and discover our Master's programs!

10:30 - 16:30 | New Delhi, India




Discover Master's QS | Pune

Join our international recruitment officer Annegret SCHULZ  and discover our Master's programs!

13:00 - 16:30 | Pune, India




2Empower : Le grand salon | Paris

Meet Stéphanie Colson-Leclerc et Christelle Rouvière and discover our Bachelor's and Master's Degree Programs!

10:00 - 18:00 | Carreau du Temple, Paris, France




Discover Master's QS | Mumbai

Join our international recruitment officer Annegret SCHULZ and discover our Master's programs!

07:00 - 13:00 | Mumbai, India




Discover Master's QS | Hyderabad

Join our international recruitment officer Annegret SCHULZ and discover our Master's programs!

13:00 - 16:30 | Hyderabad, India




Discover Master's QS | Chennai

Join our international recruitment officer Annegret SCHULZ and discover our Master's programs!

13:30 - 17:00 | Chennai, India




Discover Master's QS | Bangalore

Join our international recruitment officer Annegret SCHULZ and discover our Master's programs!

04:30 - 11:30 | Bangalore, India
